Tips and Tricks

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This tutorial was originally contributed by Arpit Bhatia.

This tutorial is aimed at providing a simplistic introduction to conic programming using JuMP.

It uses the following packages:

using JuMP
import SCS
import LinearAlgebra

This tutorial uses sets from MathOptInterface. By default, JuMP exports the MOI symbol as an alias for the MathOptInterface.jl package. We recommend making this more explicit in your code by adding the following lines:

import MathOptInterface as MOI

A good resource for learning more about functions which can be modeled using cones is the MOSEK Modeling Cookbook.

Background theory

A subset $C$ of a vector space $V$ is a cone if $\forall x \in C$ and positive scalars $\lambda > 0$, the product $\lambda x \in C$.

A cone $C$ is a convex cone if $\lambda x + (1 - \lambda) y \in C$, for any $\lambda \in [0, 1]$, and any $x, y \in C$.

Conic programming problems are convex optimization problems in which a convex function is minimized over the intersection of an affine subspace and a convex cone. An example of a conic-form minimization problems, in the primal form is:

\[\begin{aligned} & \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^n} & a_0^T x + b_0 \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & A_i x + b_i & \in \mathcal{C}_i & i = 1 \ldots m \end{aligned}\]

The corresponding dual problem is:

\[\begin{aligned} & \max_{y_1, \ldots, y_m} & -\sum_{i=1}^m b_i^T y_i + b_0 \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & a_0 - \sum_{i=1}^m A_i^T y_i & = 0 \\ & & y_i & \in \mathcal{C}_i^* & i = 1 \ldots m \end{aligned}\]

where each $\mathcal{C}_i$ is a closed convex cone and $\mathcal{C}_i^*$ is its dual cone.

Second-Order Cone

The SecondOrderCone (or Lorentz Cone) of dimension $n$ is a cone of the form:

\[K_{soc} = \{ (t, x) \in \mathbb{R}^n : t \ge ||x||_2 \}\]

It is most commonly used to represent the L2-norm of the vector $x$:

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:3])
@variable(model, t)
@constraint(model, sum(x) == 1)
@constraint(model, [t; x] in SecondOrderCone())
@objective(model, Min, t)
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(t), value.(x)
(0.5773503148525415, [0.3333333333638126, 0.3333333333638124, 0.3333333333638124])

Rotated Second-Order Cone

A Second-Order Cone rotated by $\pi/4$ in the $(x_1,x_2)$ plane is called a RotatedSecondOrderCone. It is a cone of the form:

\[K_{rsoc} = \{ (t,u,x) \in \mathbb{R}^n : 2tu \ge ||x||_2^2, t,u \ge 0 \}\]

When u = 0.5, it represents the sum of squares of a vector $x$:

data = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
target = [0.45, 1.04, 1.51, 1.97]
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, θ)
@variable(model, t)
@expression(model, residuals, θ * data .- target)
@constraint(model, [t; 0.5; residuals] in RotatedSecondOrderCone())
@objective(model, Min, t)
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(θ), value(t)
(0.49800000000000544, 0.004979422159618532)

Exponential Cone

The MOI.ExponentialCone is a set of the form:

\[K_{exp} = \{ (x,y,z) \in \mathbb{R}^3 : y \exp (x/y) \le z, y > 0 \}\]

It can be used to model problems involving log and exp.


To model $\exp(x) \le z$, use (x, 1, z):

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x == 1.5)
@variable(model, z)
@objective(model, Min, z)
@constraint(model, [x, 1, z] in MOI.ExponentialCone())
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(z), exp(1.5)
(4.481654619603659, 4.4816890703380645)


To model $x \le \log(z)$, use (x, 1, z):

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x)
@variable(model, z == 1.5)
@objective(model, Max, x)
@constraint(model, [x, 1, z] in MOI.ExponentialCone())
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(x), log(1.5)
(0.4055956586655673, 0.4054651081081644)


To model $t \ge \log\left(\sum e^{x_i}\right)$, use:

N = 3
x0 = rand(N)
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[i = 1:N] == x0[i])
@variable(model, t)
@objective(model, Min, t)
@variable(model, u[1:N])
@constraint(model, sum(u) <= 1)
@constraint(model, [i = 1:N], [x[i] - t, 1, u[i]] in MOI.ExponentialCone())
value(t), log(sum(exp.(x0)))
(1.4726849472138905, 1.472772274699489)


The entropy maximization problem consists of maximizing the entropy function, $H(x) = -x\log{x}$ subject to linear inequality constraints.

\[\begin{aligned} & \max & - \sum_{i=1}^n x_i \log x_i \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & \mathbf{1}^\top x = 1 \\ & & Ax \leq b \end{aligned}\]

We can model this problem using an exponential cone by using the following transformation:

\[t\leq -x\log{x} \iff t\leq x\log(1/x) \iff (t, x, 1) \in K_{exp}\]

Thus, our problem becomes,

\[\begin{aligned} & \max & 1^Tt \\ & \;\;\text{s.t.} & Ax \leq b \\ & & 1^T x = 1 \\ & & (t_i, x_i, 1) \in K_{exp} && \forall i = 1 \ldots n \\ \end{aligned}\]

m, n = 10, 15
A, b = randn(m, n), rand(m, 1)
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t[1:n])
@variable(model, x[1:n])
@objective(model, Max, sum(t))
@constraint(model, sum(x) == 1)
@constraint(model, A * x .<= b)
@constraint(model, [i = 1:n], [t[i], x[i], 1] in MOI.ExponentialCone())
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)

The MOI.ExponentialCone has a dual, the MOI.DualExponentialCone, that offers an alternative formulation that can be more efficient for some formulations.

There is also the MOI.RelativeEntropyCone for explicitly encoding the relative entropy function

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, x[1:n])
@objective(model, Max, -t)
@constraint(model, sum(x) == 1)
@constraint(model, A * x .<= b)
@constraint(model, [t; ones(n); x] in MOI.RelativeEntropyCone(2n + 1))
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)


The MOI.PowerCone is a three-dimensional set parameterized by a scalar value α. It has the form:

\[K_{p} = \{ (x,y,z) \in \mathbb{R}^3 : x^{\alpha} y^{1-\alpha} \ge |z|, x \ge 0, y \ge 0 \}\]

The power cone permits a number of reformulations. For example, when $p > 1$, we can model $t \ge x^p$ using the power cone $(t, 1, x)$ with $\alpha = 1 / p$. Thus, to model $t \ge x^3$ with $x \ge 0$

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, x >= 1.5)
@constraint(model, [t, 1, x] in MOI.PowerCone(1 / 3))
@objective(model, Min, t)
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(t), value(x)
(3.3747548357745134, 1.4999552263154623)

The MOI.PowerCone has a dual, the MOI.DualPowerCone, that offers an alternative formulation that can be more efficient for some formulations.


The p-norm $||x||_p = \left(\sum\limits_{i} |x_i|^p\right)^{\frac{1}{p}}$ can be modeled using MOI.PowerCones. See the Mosek Modeling Cookbook for the derivation.

function p_norm(x::Vector, p)
    N = length(x)
    model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, r[1:N])
    @variable(model, t)
    @constraint(model, [i = 1:N], [r[i], t, x[i]] in MOI.PowerCone(1 / p))
    @constraint(model, sum(r) == t)
    @objective(model, Min, t)
    @assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
    return value(t)

x = rand(5);
LinearAlgebra.norm(x, 4), p_norm(x, 4)
(0.9316922467512209, 0.9316875994951573)

Positive Semidefinite Cone

The set of positive semidefinite matrices (PSD) of dimension $n$ form a cone in $\mathbb{R}^n$. We write this set mathematically as:

\[\mathcal{S}_{+}^n = \{ X \in \mathcal{S}^n \mid z^T X z \geq 0, \: \forall z\in \mathbb{R}^n \}.\]

A PSD cone is represented in JuMP using the MOI sets PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle (for upper triangle of a PSD matrix) and PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare (for a complete PSD matrix). However, it is preferable to use the PSDCone shortcut as illustrated below.

Example: largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix

Suppose $A$ has eigenvalues $\lambda_{1} \geq \lambda_{2} \ldots \geq \lambda_{n}$. Then the matrix $t I-A$ has eigenvalues $t-\lambda_{1}, t-\lambda_{2}, \ldots, t-\lambda_{n}$. Note that $t I-A$ is PSD exactly when all these eigenvalues are non-negative, and this happens for values $t \geq \lambda_{1}$. Thus, we can model the problem of finding the largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix as:

\[\begin{aligned} \lambda_{1} = \min t \\ \text { s.t. } t I-A \succeq 0 \end{aligned}\]

A = [3 2 4; 2 0 2; 4 2 3]
I = Matrix{Float64}(LinearAlgebra.I, 3, 3)
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@objective(model, Min, t)
@constraint(model, t .* I - A in PSDCone())
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)


The MOI.GeometricMeanCone is a cone of the form:

\[K_{geo} = \{ (t, x) \in \mathbb{R}^n : x \ge 0, t \le \sqrt[n-1]{x_1 x_2 \cdots x_{n-1}} \}\]

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:4])
@variable(model, t)
@constraint(model, sum(x) == 1)
@constraint(model, [t; x] in MOI.GeometricMeanCone(5))
value(t), value.(x)
(0.0, [0.25000000110304893, 0.250000001103052, 0.25000000110305065, 0.2500000011030498])


The MOI.RootDetConeSquare is a cone of the form:

\[K = \{ (t, X) \in \mathbb{R}^{1+d^2} : t \le \det(X)^{\frac{1}{d}} \}\]

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, X[1:2, 1:2])
@objective(model, Max, t)
@constraint(model, [t; vec(X)] in MOI.RootDetConeSquare(2))
@constraint(model, X .== [2 1; 1 3])
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(t), sqrt(LinearAlgebra.det(value.(X)))
(2.236116364743875, 2.236067957402722)

If X is symmetric, then you can use MOI.RootDetConeTriangle instead. This can be more efficient because the solver does not need to add additional constraints to ensure X is symmetric.

When forming the function, use triangle_vec to obtain the column-wise upper triangle of the matrix as a vector in the order that JuMP requires.

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, X[1:2, 1:2], Symmetric)
@objective(model, Max, t)
@constraint(model, [t; triangle_vec(X)] in MOI.RootDetConeTriangle(2))
@constraint(model, X .== [2 1; 1 3])
value(t), sqrt(LinearAlgebra.det(value.(X)))
(2.2361792479821516, 2.2360679863316997)


The MOI.LogDetConeSquare is a cone of the form:

\[K = \{ (t, u, X) \in \mathbb{R}^{2+d^2} : t \le u \log(\det(X / u)) \}\]

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, u)
@variable(model, X[1:2, 1:2])
@objective(model, Max, t)
@constraint(model, [t; u; vec(X)] in MOI.LogDetConeSquare(2))
@constraint(model, X .== [2 1; 1 3])
@constraint(model, u == 0.5)
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(t), 0.5 * log(LinearAlgebra.det(value.(X) ./ 0.5))
(1.4979204458220756, 1.4978661006407135)

If X is symmetric, then you can use MOI.LogDetConeTriangle instead. This can be more efficient because the solver does not need to add additional constraints to ensure X is symmetric.

When forming the function, use triangle_vec to obtain the column-wise upper triangle of the matrix as a vector in the order that JuMP requires.

model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, t)
@variable(model, u)
@variable(model, X[1:2, 1:2], Symmetric)
@objective(model, Max, t)
@constraint(model, [t; u; triangle_vec(X)] in MOI.LogDetConeTriangle(2))
@constraint(model, X .== [2 1; 1 3])
@constraint(model, u == 0.5)
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
value(t), 0.5 * log(LinearAlgebra.det(value.(X) ./ 0.5))
(1.4979204481049098, 1.4978661010981238)

Other Cones and Functions

For other cones supported by JuMP, check out the MathOptInterface Manual.