Open Energy Modeling at JuMP-dev

Author: Oscar Dowson

In July 2024, we held JuMP-dev 2024, the seventh edition of our annual developer workshop. As part of the workshop, we sought talks from a number of groups who use JuMP to build open energy models.

Motivated by our recently announced Open Energy Modeling project, I started writing this report as a summary of my notes from watching the energy-related talks at JuMP-dev 2024, but, based on the community feedback during the writing of this post, I extended the scope to talks about energy system modeling in previous years as well.


JuMP is a popular tool for building open energy system models.

Tools like GenX and Sienna have a long history of development, and they are used to analyze power systems around the world.

The main features that energy modelers like about JuMP are:

However, there are a few common complaints and suggestions for how we could improve JuMP in the context of energy modeling:

To summarize, JuMP is a powerful tool for energy system modeling. The insights from JuMP-dev 2024 will help guide future developments, particularly in areas like debugging, physical units, and sparse variable support.


This post ended up being pretty long, so here is a table of contents if you want to JuMP (if you will) around:

  1. [2024] Applied optimization with JuMP at SINTEF
  2. [2024] Introduction to TulipaEnergyModel.jl
  3. [2024] SpineOpt.jl: A highly adaptable modelling framework for multi-energy systems
  4. [2024] Solving the Market-to-Market Problem in Large Scale Power Systems
  5. [2024] PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl
  6. [2023] How JuMP Enables Abstract Energy System Models
  7. [2023] TimeStruct.jl: Multi Horizon Time Modelling in JuMP
  8. [2023] Designing a Flexible Energy System Model Using Multiple Dispatch
  9. [2022] UnitJuMP: Automatic Unit Handling in JuMP
  10. [2022] SparseVariables.jl: Efficient Sparse Modelling with JuMP
  11. [2022] Benchmarking Nonlinear Optimization with AC Optimal Power Flow
  12. [2021] Modelling Australia’s National Electricity Market with JuMP
  13. [2021] AnyMOD.jl: A Julia package for creating energy system models
  14. [2021] Power Market Tool (POMATO)
  15. [2021] UnitCommitment.jl Security-Constrained Unit Commitment in JuMP
  16. [2021] A Brief Introduction to InfrastructureModels
  17. [2019] PowerSimulations.jl
  18. [2017] Stochastic programming in energy systems
  19. [2017] PowerModels.jl: a Brief Introduction

There are also a few related JuliaCon talks

  1. [2020] Crash Course in Energy Systems Modeling & Analysis with Julia
  2. [2019] Open Source Power System Production Cost Modeling in Julia

[2024] Applied optimization with JuMP at SINTEF

Speaker: Truls Flatberg @trulsf

In this prize-winning talk, Truls discussed how they have been using JuMP to build and solve large scale optimization models at SINTEF.

Developers from SINTEF have been active attendees of JuMP-dev recently, speaking about UnitJuMP.jl and SparseVariables.jl at JuMP-dev 2022, and TimeStruct.jl and EnergyModelsX at JuMP-dev 2023.

Historically, SINTEF primarily used FICO Xpress’s Mosel modeling language, with a mix of AMPL and GAMS, but they are transitioning to JuMP for new projects. He mentioned that a key benefit for them is the modularity of JuMP, which is in contrast to monolithic Mosel files with O(10⁴) lines of code.

One line from his talk stuck out to me: “I think […] the step from academic problems to more industrial problems is not the mathematics, but that they are large scale, so […] they have to be correct and they have to be robust.” The JuMP developers have recently been discussing how, despite making it easy for users to formulate and solve a wide range of optimization problems, JuMP provides little support for the users who make mistakes, or tools for advanced users to debug problematic models. Moreover, in our experience the majority of (expensive) human programmer time is spent, not in formulating or solving a model, but in the debugging and testing stage of development. I have opened the issue JuMP#3664 with some preliminary ideas for tools that we could develop to test and debug JuMP models, and I think these would be highly useful to users.

Truls gave a shout out to a tutorial I wrote, Design patterns for large models, which I think should be required reading for anyone embarking on the development of an industrial-scale JuMP project.

I also liked how SINTEF use and combine a number of utility packages such as UnitJuMP.jl, SparseVariables.jl, TimeStruct.jl, and MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl. UnitJuMP.jl is particularly notable because it adds support for modeling with variables and constraints that are attached to physical units (which is the topic of the second oldest open issue in JuMP, JuMP#1350). UnitJuMP prevents common modeling errors such as missing a scale factor from kilo- to mega-, or by using feet instead of meters.

Finally, Truls mentioned how they use PackageCompiler to create self-contained executables for deploying their JuMP and Julia code to customers. Initially, the O(400 MB) files caused some concern internally within SINTEF, but after feedback from customers this has not proven to be a problem. Still, it is something that the Julia community is working on improving.

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[2024] Introduction to TulipaEnergyModel.jl

Speaker: Diego Tejada @datejada

In this talk, Diego talked about TulipaEnergyModel.jl. (His colleague, Ni Wang @gnawin, was meant to talk, but couldn’t attend because of visa delays.) The main purpose of the Tulipa model is to make investment and operational decisions of a power system with a focus on compact formulations. The typical problem they are interested in solving has O(10⁶) variables and constraints.

Diego discussed how the first attempt at building this model had poor performance. However, they were able to use DataFrames.jl to linearize the indices, and then they used the community support on Discourse to achieve a further 3.2x improvement in performance. (Abel’s thread had a rapid and enthusiastic response with 38 posts by five people.)

Users encountering performance problems with models that contain graph structures is a reoccurring issue in JuMP. The underlying reason is that a naïve transcription of the mathematical model often has a runtime that is O(|nodes| * |edges|) in the size of the graph. Unfortunately, many users only find out that they need to try a different approach (like Diego’s rewrite to use DataFrames.jl) after they have a working model and they try to scale to large problem instances. Clearly, we should do a better job at advertising this issue to new users.

I recently added a new tutorial, Performance problems with sum-if formulations, that describes the cause of the scaling behavior, as well as some suggested work-arounds. There is also the related open issue JuMP#3438, which is a request to explore how we could better integrate JuMP and DataFrames.jl, particularly for models with the sparse index sets that arise in the context of graphs.

Finally, Diego also mentioned that he learnt about ParametricOptInterface.jl at the workshop. We have since worked together to add a new tutorial to the JuMP documentation that uses ParametricOptInterface to solve a rolling horizon problem of a power system with battery storage.

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[2024] SpineOpt.jl: A highly adaptable modelling framework for multi-energy systems

Speaker: Diego Tejada @datejada

In his second talk of the day, Diego talked about the Mopo project. The core product of the Mopo project is the Spine Toolbox, which incudes a full suite of modeling features, from input data pipelines, a JuMP-based modeling framework in SpineOpt.jl, and a GUI for managing and designing computational experiments. SpineOpt.jl aims to be able to solve integrated models of a power system on the scale of a city up to entire continents.

One thing that slightly concerned me about Diego’s talk was his mention of the various meta-solvers that are integrated into SpineOpt. These include a “Modeling to generate alternatives (MGA)” algorithm, a Benders decomposition framework, a multistage solver, and a rolling horizon framework.

On one hand, the MGA framework in SpineOpt.jl is only 350 lines of Julia code, which demonstrates how easy it is to embed JuMP models in a complicated solution algorithm. On the other hand, the MGA algorithm seems a lot like some of the multi-objective solution algorithms that are built into MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl. Similarly, I develop SDDP.jl, which is a generic library for solving multistage stochastic optimization problems using a form of Benders decomposition. SDDP.jlj is used to solve energy-related problems, such as the JADE model at the New Zealand Electricity Authority. It would be useful to understand more about how SpineOpt implements these meta-solvers, and whether it is possible to re-use common packages such as MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl or SDDP.jl instead of re-coding these (complex) algorithms from scratch. I think it is instructive to compare Truls’ talk about how SINTEF successfully re-use utility package across models instead of re-coding from scratch.

One useful part of Diego’s talk was how he linked to various issues in the SpineOpt.jl repository. If I had to summarize the common root cause of the issues, it is that managing the input and output of a large quantity of JuMP models is hard! In Spine’s case, a frequent use-case is solving a year of power system operational problems at hourly resolution via a rolling horizon model of 48 hour blocks rolling forward 24 hours at each step.

Diego’s experience reinforces for me the need to include rolling horizon simulations in our set of benchmark instances that we are building in the jump-dev/open-energy-modeling-benchmarks repository.

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[2024] Solving the Market-to-Market Problem in Large Scale Power Systems

Speaker: Jose Daniel Lara @jd-lara

In this talk Jose Daniel gave an overview and spoke about recent updates to Sienna (originally named SIIP). The talk follows his previous talks at JuMP-dev 2019 and JuMP-dev 2023.

A key feature of the Sienna set of tools is that it is designed for problems with O(10⁸) variables and constraints. They are building and solving simulation models of the Eastern Interconnection, which is one of, if not the, largest power system in the world (it has 150,000 buses and 270,000 lines).

A key lesson that I took from Jose Daniel’s talk is that they have already encountered (and resolved or worked around) many of same issues that Diego raised in his talk, such as how to efficiently save the large volume of data that comes out of the simulation models.

In regard to feature requests for future versions of JuMP, Jose Daniel again referenced the need for efficient re-solves of optimization models with parameters. We have, over the years, experimented with a number of different approaches in Sienna, including the now largely defunct ParameterJuMP.jl, the intended replacement ParametricOptInterface.jl, and other work-arounds like adding new VariableIndex in EqualTo constraints. Ultimately, each way has a different trade-off (and it also depends on the size of the model that you are trying to solve), and we haven’t found something that we are completely happy with.

My main takeaways are that we should include benchmarks that use ParametricOptInterface.jl in our jump-dev/open-energy-modeling-benchmarks repository, and that JuMP’s ability to efficiently solve a sequence of similar problems with some changes in the problem parameters is both a main selling point of using JuMP over alternative tools and a current bottleneck in existing workflows.

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[2024] PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl

Speaker: Lars Hellemo @hellemo

In this talk, Lars presented his work on a new package, PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl, which automatically approximates nonlinear functions with a linearized MIP formulation that can be used in a linear solver like HiGHS. The package is used by SINTEF in many of their energy-related applications.

JuMP core developer Joey Hutchette @joehuchette wrote a similar package, PiecewiseLinearOpt.jl, that he presented at the first JuMP developers workshop in 2017 (video). (It’s notable to see that the production quality of JuMP-dev videos is much improved over the years.) The JuMP documentation also contains a tutorial, Approximating nonlinear functions, which explains how to construct the linearizations manually.

The fact that multiple groups have now developed similar packages suggests that there is a need for us to integrate these packages closer into JuMP. As an immediate improvement, I have added PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl to the script we use to check that new releases of JuMP do not break downstream packages in JuMP#3817. I have also opened an issue, PiecewiseLinearOpt.jl#49, to discuss moving that package to jump-dev. In the medium term, it might be helpful to combine the two packages into a single utility package that has a broad range of functionality for constructing piecewise linear approximations.

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[2023] How JuMP Enables Abstract Energy System Models

Speaker: Stefan Strömer @sstroemer

In this talk, Stefan discussed an energy system model they have been developing. A unique feature of their model is that they want to scale from low-latency model predictive control to continental scale models. Their approach is no-code, with the complete input described in YAML and CSV files.

Stefan again gives an example that their initial experience with JuMP was not good because it did not fit their object-orientated design philosophy. However, after working with it for a while and changing their approach, they are now very happy with it and with its performance.

Stefan also talked about the need for parameters, and how parameter * variable support would be useful, but that it complicates matters. We had multiple discussions on the community forum, and Stefan opened a PR with over 50 comments that was ultimately closed without merging. This is a tricky topic for which we do not have a good solution.

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[2023] TimeStruct.jl: Multi Horizon Time Modelling in JuMP

Speaker: Truls Flatberg @trulsf

In this talk Truls presented his work on TimeStruct.jl, (if you watch the video, the package is now registered!) which is a JuMP extension for working with time-structured models that often arise in planning problems.

Truls points out that a key feature of JuMP is its modularity, and how they can invest in the development of small utility packages like TimeStruct.jl, and then re-use the utility package across many different application models.

If you are building a JuMP model with time as a significant component, we recommend that you try out TimeStruct.jl.

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[2023] Designing a Flexible Energy System Model Using Multiple Dispatch

Speaker: Julian Straus @JulStraus

In this talk, Julian discusses EnergyModelsX that he is building at SINTEF.

I found it useful to compare the talk to Jose Daniel’s [2019] PowerSimulations.jl. If multiple groups arrive at the same set of ideas, I think it demonstrates that hierarchical models that leverage Julia’s multiple dispatch is the “right” way to build large-scale JuMP models.

This approach is the topic of my tutorial, Design patterns for large models, which I think should be required reading for anyone embarking on the development of an industrial-scale JuMP project.

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[2022] UnitJuMP: Automatic Unit Handling in JuMP

Speaker: Truls Flatberg @trulsf

In this talk Truls presented his work on UnitJuMP.jl, which is a JuMP extension that adds support for modeling with variables and constraints that are attached to physical units (which is the topic of the second oldest open issue in JuMP, JuMP#1350). UnitJuMP prevents common modeling errors such as missing a scale factor from kilo- to mega-, or by using feet instead of meters.

Adding support for physical units is an open issue in JuMP (#1350) and is on our roadmap. For now, readers are encouraged to use and try out UnitJuMP. At some point, we will better integrate the features of UnitJuMP into the core JuMP repository.

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[2022] SparseVariables.jl: Efficient Sparse Modelling with JuMP

Speaker: Lars Hellemo @hellemo

In this talk Lars presented his work on SparseVariables.jl, which is SINTEF’s solution for dealing with the common problems associated with the sparse index sets that often arise in industrial JuMP models.

For now, readers are encouraged to use and try out SparseVariables. At some point, we should think about how to better integrate the features of SparseVariables into the core JuMP repository.

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[2022] Benchmarking Nonlinear Optimization with AC Optimal Power Flow

Speaker: Carleton Coffrin @ccoffrin

This talk by Carleton isn’t really about energy modeling, but it is about solving nonlinear AC Optimal Power Flow problems. I’m including it here for reader interest because it demonstrates that JuMP is a great tool for building and solving energy-related optimization problems.

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[2021] Modelling Australia’s National Electricity Market with JuMP

Speaker: James Foster @jd-foster

In this talk, James provided a general overview of developing models in JuMP. A useful part of the talk was how he mentioned the challenge of working with sparsely indexed parameters and variables. We just saw that SINTEF solved this challenge by developing SparseVariables.jl. James solved the challenge by loading the data into SQLite tables, performing the computationally intensive transformation steps using SQL, and then outputting clean tables to DataFrames for use in JuMP.

This is the same approach that I have taken in tutorials like The network multi-commodity flow problem, so I wonder if it would be helpful for other users if we advertised this more widely.

James also raises the reoccurring theme that scaling up your model will present different issues than the model design phase.

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[2021] AnyMOD.jl: A Julia package for creating energy system models

Speaker: Leonard Goeke @leonardgoeke

In this talk, Leonard presented his work on AnyMOD.jl. Like Stefan’s approach, AnyMOD.jl is a low-code model, in which all inputs and outputs are via CSV files.

A unique feature of AnyMOD is that it has automatic scaling of the problem to increase the robustness of interior point solves. This is something that JuMP has not provided in the past, although we sometimes get it as a feature request. I am still divided on whether this is something that we should support, because in my experience, models that need automatic rescaling are typically “wrong” in the sense that they are defined at the wrong level of detail (for example, measuring costs to the nearest cent for investment problems that invest billions of dollars over decades).

Like [2021] Modelling Australia’s National Electricity Market with JuMP, AnyMOD uses DataFrames and SQL joins to do the various transformations required to get the problem data into a format suitable for JuMP.

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[2021] Power Market Tool (POMATO)

Speaker: Richard Weinhold @richard-weinhold

In this talk, Richard presented his work on POMATO. POMATO has a Python front-end, but it uses JuMP for its MarketModel and RedundancyRemoval components. POMATO makes heavy use of JuMP’s ability to efficiently represent second-order cone constraints to solve a stochastic power flow problem with chance constraints.

POMATO is a good example of a project to look at for inspiration if you want to mix Python and Julia.

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[2021] UnitCommitment.jl Security-Constrained Unit Commitment in JuMP

Speaker: Alinson Xavier @iSoron

In this talk, Alinson presented his work on UnitCommitment.jl. The package is a collection of data and implementations of the multi-period unit commitment problem, which is often a core part of energy system models that focus on the operation of a power system with sub-hourly resolution.

A key part of UnitCommitment.jl is a JSON file format for unit commitment problems. This could be useful as we look to build a collection of benchmark instances in jump-dev/open-energy-modeling-benchmarks.

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[2021] A Brief Introduction to InfrastructureModels

Speaker: Carleton Coffrin @ccoffrin

This is a general interest talk by Carleton isn’t really about energy modeling, but it is about the much larger suite of models around InfrastructureModels.jl that they are building at LANL.

If you are writing energy system models, InfrastructureModels.jl and related packages like PowerModels.jl are a good place to look for inspiration.

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[2019] PowerSimulations.jl

Speaker: Jose Daniel Lara @jd-lara

This talk is the first talk by Jose Daniel at a JuMP-dev on PowerSimulations.jl (now part of Sienna). I found it useful to compare this talk to his talk at JuMP-dev 2024.

Jose Daniel described how the three design principles of PowerSimulations were flexibility, modularity, and scalability, and how all three of these were achieved by using Julia’s multiple dispatch to build different mathematical formulations based on the input data. I found it interesting that Jose Daniel hits upon on many of the same themes that Julian did in his 2023 talk [2023] Designing a Flexible Energy System Model Using Multiple Dispatch. This suggests to me that we can better share lessons learned between developers.

Jose Daniel also talks about the issue with parameters and time-series data. Five years later and we still do not have a perfect solution to this.

Finally, Jose Daniel talked about how they wanted to scale to 50,000 buses. Well, in his 2024 talk, he mentioned that Sienna now runs on problems with 150,000 buses. It’s nice to see progress!

@kdheepak’s talks at JuliaCon 2019 and JuliaCon 2020 are also about PowerSimulations.jl and go into complementary detail.

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[2017] Stochastic programming in energy systems

Speaker: Joaquim Dias Garcia @joaquimg

In this talk from the first JuMP-dev, Joaquim discussed how PSR were using JuMP to solve a variety of energy-related models, both for research and for industrial clients around the world.

For me, it was interesting to revisit this talk because Joaquim’s discussion about stochastic dual dynamic programming (I develop SDDP.jl.) Joaquim described how they implemented some of the algorithm in JuMP, and some in MathProgBase. I note that many of the missing features that drove him to do so (like the ability to delete variables and constraints) are now first-class features in JuMP.

One pertinent feature is that Joaquim described the need for an IIS (irreducible infeasible subsystem) solver to help debugging. At the moment, some solvers like Gurobi and Xpress provide native support for computing an IIS, while others like HiGHS and Ipopt do not. It would be useful to add native support for the IIS to HiGHS, and it would also be useful to write a generic IIS solver in MathOptInterface for optimizers that do not have native support.

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[2017] PowerModels.jl: a Brief Introduction

Speaker: Carleton Coffrin @ccoffrin

This is a talk about PowerModels.jl from the first JuMP-dev, which we held in 2017 at MIT. PowerModels.jl is one of the oldest JuMP-related packages for power system optimization.

To me, there are two design features of PowerModels.jl which stick out, and have changed very little over the course of PowerModels development.

First, the input data is parsed from MATPOWER files into untyped dictionaries. This makes it easy for domain-expert users to work with, but Julia code that operates on the input data is not type stable. This design decision is the opposite of that chosen by [2019] PowerSimulations.jl. It is an open question whether this was a good design decision. It seems to work for PowerModels, but it may not work for larger simulation models.

Second, PowerModels makes heavy use of Julia’s multiple dispatch to implement the various relaxations and approximations of AC power flow. This decision has proven to be a very good design choice.

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[2020] Crash Course in Energy Systems Modeling & Analysis with Julia

Speaker: Dheepak Krishnamurthy @kdheepak

This is a short talk by @kdheepak about PowerSimulations.jl. The “crash course” in the title is rather apt, because it walks through how to build an run a power system optimization model in eight minutes. It was useful to watch this video in conjunction with the other PowerSimulations.jl videos such as [2024] Solving the Market-to-Market Problem in Large Scale Power Systems, [2019] PowerSimulations.jl, and [2019] Open Source Power System Production Cost Modeling in Julia.

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[2019] Open Source Power System Production Cost Modeling in Julia

Speaker: Dheepak Krishnamurthy @kdheepak

This is a talk by @kdheepak about PowerSimulations.jl, which Jose Daniel presented at JuMP-dev 2019. Using a small example, Dheepak goes into more detail around how PowerSimulations.jl uses Julia’s multiple dispatch to build the optimization problems.

There was an interesting question at the end related to how we document models. @sstroemer mentioned this as well in his talk. Stefan’s answer as to write out the models in some form of abstract LaTeX. JuMP used to print out a compressed form of the model, but we changed to writing out the scalarized form during the change to MOI because the compressed form required too many hacks for work and required a lot of maintenance. I’m not sure what we should do going forward.

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