JuMP-dev 2021

We are pleased to announce that JuMP-dev 2021 will be co-located with JuliaCon 2021!

This year JuliaCon is virtual, and will be held 28-30 July, 2021.


The purpose of JuMP-dev is to bring together students, researchers, and practitioners with interests in the software aspects of JuMP and related packages. In particular, we invite new contributors and those who have not met the core development team.

Watch the talks

You can watch all of the talks for JuMP-dev 2021 in this YouTube playlist:

You can also skip to one of the talks using the links below:

Title Speaker Video link
The state of JuMP Oscar Dowson video
What’s new in COSMO? Michael Garstka video
Conic optimization example problems in Hypatia.jl Chris Coey video
Symmetry reduction for Sum-of-squares programming Benoît Legat and Marek Kaluba video
Sparse matrix decomposition and completion with Chordal.jl Theo Diamandis video
TSSOS.jl: exploiting sparsity in polynomial optimization Jie Wang video
Automatic dualization with Dualization.jl Guilherme Bodin video
Modeling bilevel optimization problems with BilevelJuMP.jl Joaquim Dias Garcia video
Modeling Infinite-Dimensional Optimization Problems in InfiniteOpt.jl Joshua Pulsipher video
Hybrid Strategies using Linear and Piecewise-Linear Decision Rules for Multistage Adaptive Linear Optimization Said Rahal video
Flexible set projections with MathOptInterface Mathieu Besançon video
Solving optimization problems at Fonterra Oleg Barbin video
The Design of the MiniZinc Modelling Language Gleb Belov video
ConstraintSolver.jl: First constraint solver written in Julia Ole Kröger video
ConstraintProgrammingExtensions: MathOptInterface gets broader usage Thibaut Cuvelier video
Nonlinear programming on the GPU François Pacaud video
Nonconvex.jl: automatic differentiation based general nonlinear and mixed integer nonlinear optimization package Mohamed Tarek video
NOMAD.jl: A derivative-free optimization solver for blackbox optimization Ludovic Salomon video
MadNLP.jl: A Mad Nonlinear Programming Solver Sungho Shin video
Linearly Constrained Separable Optimization Ellis Brown video
NExOS.jl for Nonconvex Exterior-point Operator Splitting Shuvomoy Das Gupta video
Global constrained nonlinear optimisation with interval methods David P. Sanders video
Modelling Australia’s National Electricity Market with JuMP James D Foster video
AnyMOD.jl: A Julia package for creating energy system models Leonard Göke video
Power Market Tool: Methods and Parametrization for Modeling Flow Based Market Coupling Richard Weinhold video
A Brief Introduction to InfrastructureModels Carleton Coffrin video
UnitCommitment.jl: A Julia/JuMP Optimization Package for Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Alinson Santos Xavier video
Linear programming by first-order methods Miles Lubin video
Cerberus: a solver for mixed-integer programs with disjunctions Joey Huchette video
HiGHS Ivet Galabova video
A derivative-free local optimizer for multi-objective problems Manuel Berkemeier video
vOptSolver: an ecosystem for multi-objective linear optimization Xavier Gandibleux video

How do I attend?

JuliaCon 2021 is entirely virtual and free to attend, but registration is required.

All participants will uphold the JuliaCon Code of Conduct.

Where is the schedule?

Talks for JuMP-dev are scheduled under the “JuMP-dev” track of JuliaCon. See https://pretalx.com/juliacon2021/schedule/.

How do I watch the talks?

Links will be made available on the JuliaCon website: https://juliacon.org/2021/.

The talks will also be on YouTube if you can’t watch live.

How to I ask questions of the speaker?

First, register for JuliaCon.

Registering will allow you to access the Discord server (link still to come…) where there will be a JuMP-dev chatroom to talk to the core developers and ask questions.

How to give a talk

Talk submissions have now closed.

Similarly to previous iterations of the workshop, we invite participants to present work related to JuMP. In particular, we especially seek talks related to:

Speakers are encouraged to highlight challenges and lessons learned, not only successes. Talks should be aimed at a general audience, but familiarity with JuMP/Julia can be assumed.

See the previous JuMP-dev workshops for examples of accepted talks.


To contact the organizing committee, write to jump-dev-2021@googlegroups.com.