
MathOptInterface suffers the "time-to-first-solve" problem of start-up latency.

This hurts both the user- and developer-experience of MathOptInterface. In the first case, because simple models have a multi-second delay before solving, and in the latter, because our tests take so long to run.

This page contains some advice on profiling and fixing latency-related problems in the MathOptInterface.jl repository.


Before reading this part of the documentation, you should familiarize yourself with the reasons for latency in Julia and how to fix them.


There are three main causes of latency in MathOptInterface:

  1. A large number of types
  2. Lack of method ownership
  3. Type-instability in the bridge layer

A large number of types

Julia is very good at specializing method calls based on the input type. Each specialization has a compilation cost, but the benefit of faster run-time performance.

The best-case scenario is for a method to be called a large number of times with a single set of argument types. The worst-case scenario is for a method to be called a single time for a large set of argument types.

Because of MathOptInterface's function-in-set formulation, we fall into the worst-case situation.

This is a fundamental limitation of Julia, so there isn't much we can do about it. However, if we can precompile MathOptInterface, much of the cost can be shifted from start-up latency to the time it takes to precompile a package on installation.

However, there are two things which make MathOptInterface hard to precompile.

Lack of method ownership

Lack of method ownership happens when a call is made using a mix of structs and methods from different modules. Because of this, no single module "owns" the method that is being dispatched, and so it cannot be precompiled.


This is a slightly simplified explanation. Read the precompilation tutorial for a more in-depth discussion on back-edges.

Unfortunately, the design of MOI means that this is a frequent occurrence: we have a bunch of types in MOI.Utilities that wrap types defined in external packages (for example, the Optimizers), which implement methods of functions defined in MOI (for example, add_variable, add_constraint).

Here's a simple example of method-ownership in practice:

module MyMOI
struct Wrapper{T}
optimize!(x::Wrapper) = optimize!(x.inner)
end  # MyMOI

module MyOptimizer
using ..MyMOI
struct Optimizer end
MyMOI.optimize!(x::Optimizer) = 1
end  # MyOptimizer

using SnoopCompile
model = MyMOI.Wrapper(MyOptimizer.Optimizer())

julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep MyMOI.optimize!(model)
InferenceTimingNode: 0.008256/0.008543 on InferenceFrameInfo for Core.Compiler.Timings.ROOT() with 1 direct children

The result is that there was one method that required type inference. If we visualize tinf:

using ProfileView

we see a flamegraph with a large red-bar indicating that the method MyMOI.optimize(MyMOI.Wrapper{MyOptimizer.Optimizer}) cannot be precompiled.

To fix this, we need to designate a module to "own" that method (that is, create a back-edge). The easiest way to do this is for MyOptimizer to call MyMOI.optimize(MyMOI.Wrapper{MyOptimizer.Optimizer}) during using MyOptimizer. Let's see that in practice:

module MyMOI
struct Wrapper{T}
optimize(x::Wrapper) = optimize(x.inner)
end  # MyMOI

module MyOptimizer
using ..MyMOI
struct Optimizer end
MyMOI.optimize(x::Optimizer) = 1
# The syntax of this let-while loop is very particular:
#  * `let ... end` keeps everything local to avoid polluting the MyOptimizer
#    namespace
#  * `while true ... break end` runs the code once, and forces Julia to compile
#    the inner loop, rather than interpret it.
    while true
        model = MyMOI.Wrapper(Optimizer())
end  # MyOptimizer

using SnoopCompile
model = MyMOI.Wrapper(MyOptimizer.Optimizer())

julia> tinf = @snoopi_deep MyMOI.optimize(model)
InferenceTimingNode: 0.006822/0.006822 on InferenceFrameInfo for Core.Compiler.Timings.ROOT() with 0 direct children

There are now 0 direct children that required type inference because the method was already stored in MyOptimizer!

Unfortunately, this trick only works if the call-chain is fully inferrable. If there are breaks (due to type instability), then the benefit of doing this is reduced. And unfortunately for us, the design of MathOptInterface has a lot of type instabilities.

Type instability in the bridge layer

Most of MathOptInterface is pretty good at ensuring type-stability. However, a key component is not type stable, and that is the bridging layer.

In particular, the bridging layer defines Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer, which has fields like:

struct LazyBridgeOptimizer

This is because the LazyBridgeOptimizer needs to be able to deal with any function-in-set type passed to it, and we also allow users to pass additional bridges that they defined in external packages.

So to recap, MathOptInterface suffers package latency because:

  1. there are a large number of types and functions
  2. and these are split between multiple modules, including external packages
  3. and there are type-instabilities like those in the bridging layer.


There are no magic solutions to reduce latency. Issue #1313 tracks progress on reducing latency in MathOptInterface.

A useful script is the following (replace GLPK as needed):

import GLPK
import MathOptInterface as MOI

function example_diet(optimizer, bridge)
    category_data = [
        1800.0 2200.0;
          91.0    Inf;
           0.0   65.0;
           0.0 1779.0
    cost = [2.49, 2.89, 1.50, 1.89, 2.09, 1.99, 2.49, 0.89, 1.59]
    food_data = [
        410 24 26 730;
        420 32 10 1190;
        560 20 32 1800;
        380  4 19 270;
        320 12 10 930;
        320 15 12 820;
        320 31 12 1230;
        100  8 2.5 125;
        330  8 10 180
    bridge_model = if bridge
        MOI.instantiate(optimizer; with_bridge_type=Float64)
    model = MOI.Utilities.CachingOptimizer(
    MOI.Utilities.reset_optimizer(model, bridge_model)
    MOI.set(model, MOI.Silent(), true)
    nutrition = MOI.add_variables(model, size(category_data, 1))
    for (i, v) in enumerate(nutrition)
        MOI.add_constraint(model, v, MOI.GreaterThan(category_data[i, 1]))
        MOI.add_constraint(model, v, MOI.LessThan(category_data[i, 2]))
    buy = MOI.add_variables(model, size(food_data, 1))
    MOI.add_constraint.(model, buy, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
    MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE)
    f = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(cost, buy), 0.0)
    MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{typeof(f)}(), f)
    for (j, n) in enumerate(nutrition)
        f = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(
            MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(food_data[:, j], buy),
        push!(f.terms, MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(-1.0, n))
        MOI.add_constraint(model, f, MOI.EqualTo(0.0))
    term_status = MOI.get(model, MOI.TerminationStatus())
    @assert term_status == MOI.OPTIMAL
            MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(1.0, [buy[end-1], buy[end]]),
    @assert MOI.get(model, MOI.TerminationStatus()) == MOI.INFEASIBLE

if length(ARGS) > 0
    bridge = get(ARGS, 2, "") != "--no-bridge"
    println("Running: $(ARGS[1]) $(get(ARGS, 2, ""))")
    @time example_diet(GLPK.Optimizer, bridge)
    @time example_diet(GLPK.Optimizer, bridge)

You can create a flame-graph via

using SnoopCompile
tinf = @snoopi_deep example_diet(GLPK.Optimizer, true)
using ProfileView

Here's how things looked in mid-August 2021: flamegraph

There are a few opportunities for improvement (non-red flames, particularly on the right). But the main problem is a large red (non-precompilable due to method ownership) flame.