Symmetry reduction
Adapted from: SymbolicWedderburn example
import MutableArithmetics as MA
using MultivariatePolynomials
using MultivariateBases
using DynamicPolynomials
@polyvar x[1:4]
(DynamicPolynomials.Variable{DynamicPolynomials.Commutative{DynamicPolynomials.CreationOrder}, MultivariatePolynomials.Graded{MultivariatePolynomials.LexOrder}}[x₁, x₂, x₃, x₄],)
We would like to find the minimum value of the polynomial
poly = sum(x) + sum(x.^2)
\[ x_{4} + x_{3} + x_{2} + x_{1} + x_{4}^{2} + x_{3}^{2} + x_{2}^{2} + x_{1}^{2} \]
As we can decouple the problem for each x[i]
for which x[i] + x[i]^2
has minimum value 0.25, we would expect to get -1
as answer. Can this decoupling be exploited by SumOfSquares as well ? For this, we need to use a certificate that can exploit the permutation symmetry of the polynomial.
using SumOfSquares
We define the symmetry group as a permutation group in the variables. In order to do that, we define the action of a permutation on a monomial as the monomial obtained after permuting the variables.
using PermutationGroups
G = PermGroup([perm"(1,2,3,4)"])
Permutation group on 1 generator generated by
We can use this certificate as follows:
import Clarabel
solver = Clarabel.Optimizer
model = Model(solver)
@variable(model, t)
@objective(model, Max, t)
pattern = Symmetry.Pattern(G, Symmetry.VariablePermutation())
con_ref = @constraint(model, poly - t in SOSCone(), symmetry = pattern)
We indeed find -1
, let's verify that symmetry was exploited:
BlockDiagonalGramMatrix with 3 blocks:
[1] Block with row/column basis:
Simple basis:
FixedBasis([1.0·1 + 0.0·x₄ + 0.0·x₃ + 0.0·x₂ + 0.0·x₁, 0.0·1 - 0.5·x₄ - 0.5·x₃ - 0.5·x₂ - 0.5·x₁])
And entries in a 2×2 SymMatrix{Float64}:
0.9999999598042425 -0.9999999999999999
-0.9999999999999999 1.0000000000000002
[2] Block with row/column basis:
Semisimple basis with 2 simple sub-bases:
FixedBasis([0.0·1 - 0.7071067811865472·x₄ + 0.0·x₃ + 0.7071067811865475·x₂ + 0.0·x₁])
FixedBasis([0.0·1 + 0.0·x₄ - 0.7071067811865472·x₃ + 0.0·x₂ + 0.7071067811865475·x₁])
And entries in a 1×1 SymMatrix{Float64}:
[3] Block with row/column basis:
Simple basis:
FixedBasis([0.0·1 - 0.5·x₄ + 0.5·x₃ - 0.5·x₂ + 0.5·x₁])
And entries in a 1×1 SymMatrix{Float64}:
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