
ConstraintsInterpretation <: MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute

Attribute to define how POI.Optimizer should interpret constraints.

  • POI.ONLY_CONSTRAINTS: Only interpret ScalarAffineFunction constraints as linear constraints If an expression such as x >= p1 + p2 appears it will be trated like a new constraint. This is the default behaviour of POI.Optimizer

  • POI.ONLY_BOUNDS: Only interpret ScalarAffineFunction constraints as a variable bound. This is valid for constraints such as x >= p or x >= p1 + p2. If a constraint x1 + x2 >= p appears, which is not a valid variable bound it will throw an error.

  • POI.BOUNDS_AND_CONSTRAINTS: Interpret ScalarAffineFunction constraints as a variable bound if they are a valid variable bound, i.e., x >= p or x >= p1 + p2 and interpret them as linear constraints otherwise.


MOI.set(model, POI.InterpretConstraintsAsBounds(), POI.ONLY_BOUNDS)
MOI.set(model, POI.InterpretConstraintsAsBounds(), POI.ONLY_CONSTRAINTS)
MOI.set(model, POI.InterpretConstraintsAsBounds(), POI.BOUNDS_AND_CONSTRAINTS)
Optimizer{T, OT <: MOI.ModelLike} <: MOI.AbstractOptimizer

Declares a Optimizer, which allows the handling of parameters in a optimization model.

Keyword arguments

  • evaluate_duals::Bool: If true, evaluates the dual of parameters. Users might want to set it to false to increase performance when the duals of parameters are not necessary. Defaults to true.

  • save_original_objective_and_constraints: If true saves the orginal function and set of the constraints as well as the original objective function inside POI.Optimizer. This is useful for printing the model but greatly increases the memory footprint. Users might want to set it to false to increase performance in applications where you don't need to query the original expressions provided to the model in constraints or in the objective. Note that this might break printing or queries such as MOI.get(model, MOI.ConstraintFunction(), c). Defaults to true.


julia> ParametricOptInterface.Optimizer(GLPK.Optimizer())
ParameterValue <: MOI.AbstractVariableAttribute

Attribute defined to set and get parameter values


MOI.set(model, POI.ParameterValue(), p, 2.0)
MOI.get(model, POI.ParameterValue(), p)