The multi-commodity flow problem
This tutorial was generated using Literate.jl. Download the source as a .jl
This tutorial was originally contributed by Louis Luangkesorn.
This tutorial is a JuMP implementation of the multi-commodity transportation model described in AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming, by R. Fourer, D.M. Gay and B.W. Kernighan.
The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate creating a JuMP model from an SQLite database.
Required packages
This tutorial uses the following packages
using JuMP
import DataFrames
import HiGHS
import SQLite
import Tables
import Test
const DBInterface = SQLite.DBInterface
The multi-commondity flow problem is a simple extension of The transportation problem to multiple types of products. Briefly, we start with the formulation of the transportation problem:
\[\begin{aligned} \min && \sum_{i \in O, j \in D} c_{i,j} x_{i,j} \\ s.t. && \sum_{j \in D} x_{i, j} \le s_i && \forall i \in O \\ && \sum_{i \in O} x_{i, j} = d_j && \forall j \in D \\ && x_{i, j} \ge 0 && \forall i \in O, j \in D \end{aligned}\]
but introduce a set of products $P$, resulting in:
\[\begin{aligned} \min && \sum_{i \in O, j \in D, k \in P} c_{i,j,k} x_{i,j,k} \\ s.t. && \sum_{j \in D} x_{i, j, k} \le s_{i,k} && \forall i \in O, k \in P \\ && \sum_{i \in O} x_{i, j, k} = d_{j,k} && \forall j \in D, k \in P \\ && x_{i, j,k} \ge 0 && \forall i \in O, j \in D, k \in P \\ && \sum_{k \in P} x_{i, j, k} \le u_{i,j} && \forall i \in O, j \in D \end{aligned}\]
Note that the last constraint is new; it says that there is a maximum quantity of goods (of any type) that can be transported from origin $i$ to destination $j$.
For the purpose of this tutorial, the JuMP repository contains an example database called multi.sqlite
filename = joinpath(@__DIR__, "multi.sqlite");
To run locally, download multi.sqlite
and update filename
Load the database using SQLite.DB
db = SQLite.DB(filename)
A quick way to see the schema of the database is via SQLite.tables
5-element Vector{SQLite.DBTable}:
SQLite.DBTable("locations", Tables.Schema:
:location Union{Missing, String}
:type Union{Missing, String})
SQLite.DBTable("products", Tables.Schema:
:product Union{Missing, String})
SQLite.DBTable("supply", Tables.Schema:
:origin Union{Missing, String}
:product Union{Missing, String}
:supply Union{Missing, Float64})
SQLite.DBTable("demand", Tables.Schema:
:destination Union{Missing, String}
:product Union{Missing, String}
:demand Union{Missing, Float64})
SQLite.DBTable("cost", Tables.Schema:
:origin Union{Missing, String}
:destination Union{Missing, String}
:product Union{Missing, String}
:cost Union{Missing, Float64})
We interact with the database by executing queries, and then piping the results to an appropriate table. One example is a DataFrame
DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT * FROM locations") |> DataFrames.DataFrame
Row | location | type |
String | String | |
1 | GARY | origin |
2 | CLEV | origin |
3 | PITT | origin |
4 | FRA | destination |
5 | DET | destination |
6 | LAN | destination |
7 | WIN | destination |
8 | STL | destination |
9 | FRE | destination |
10 | LAF | destination |
But other table types are supported, such as Tables.rowtable
DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT * FROM locations") |> Tables.rowtable
10-element Vector{@NamedTuple{location::String, type::String}}:
(location = "GARY", type = "origin")
(location = "CLEV", type = "origin")
(location = "PITT", type = "origin")
(location = "FRA", type = "destination")
(location = "DET", type = "destination")
(location = "LAN", type = "destination")
(location = "WIN", type = "destination")
(location = "STL", type = "destination")
(location = "FRE", type = "destination")
(location = "LAF", type = "destination")
A rowtable
is a Vector
of NamedTuple
You can construct more complicated SQL queries:
origins =
"SELECT location FROM locations WHERE type = \"origin\"",
) |> Tables.rowtable
3-element Vector{@NamedTuple{location::String}}:
(location = "GARY",)
(location = "CLEV",)
(location = "PITT",)
But for our purpose, we just want the list of strings:
origins = map(y -> y.location, origins)
3-element Vector{String}:
We can compose these two operations to get a list of destinations:
destinations =
"SELECT location FROM locations WHERE type = \"destination\"",
) |>
Tables.rowtable |>
x -> map(y -> y.location, x)
7-element Vector{String}:
And a list of products from our products
products =
DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT product FROM products") |>
Tables.rowtable |>
x -> map(y -> y.product, x)
3-element Vector{String}:
JuMP formulation
We start by creating a model and our decision variables:
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[origins, destinations, products] >= 0)
3-dimensional DenseAxisArray{VariableRef,3,...} with index sets:
Dimension 1, ["GARY", "CLEV", "PITT"]
Dimension 2, ["FRA", "DET", "LAN", "WIN", "STL", "FRE", "LAF"]
Dimension 3, ["bands", "coils", "plate"]
And data, a 3×7×3 Array{VariableRef, 3}:
[:, :, "bands"] =
x[GARY,FRA,bands] x[GARY,DET,bands] … x[GARY,LAF,bands]
x[CLEV,FRA,bands] x[CLEV,DET,bands] x[CLEV,LAF,bands]
x[PITT,FRA,bands] x[PITT,DET,bands] x[PITT,LAF,bands]
[:, :, "coils"] =
x[GARY,FRA,coils] x[GARY,DET,coils] … x[GARY,LAF,coils]
x[CLEV,FRA,coils] x[CLEV,DET,coils] x[CLEV,LAF,coils]
x[PITT,FRA,coils] x[PITT,DET,coils] x[PITT,LAF,coils]
[:, :, "plate"] =
x[GARY,FRA,plate] x[GARY,DET,plate] … x[GARY,LAF,plate]
x[CLEV,FRA,plate] x[CLEV,DET,plate] x[CLEV,LAF,plate]
x[PITT,FRA,plate] x[PITT,DET,plate] x[PITT,LAF,plate]
One approach when working with databases is to extract all of the data into a Julia datastructure. For example, let's pull the cost table into a DataFrame and then construct our objective by iterating over the rows of the DataFrame:
cost = DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT * FROM cost") |> DataFrames.DataFrame
sum(r.cost * x[r.origin, r.destination, r.product] for r in eachrow(cost)),
If we don't want to use a DataFrame, we can use a Tables.rowtable
supply = DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT * FROM supply") |> Tables.rowtable
for r in supply
@constraint(model, sum(x[r.origin, :, r.product]) <=
Another approach is to execute the query, and then to iterate through the rows of the query using Tables.rows
demand = DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT * FROM demand")
for r in Tables.rows(demand)
@constraint(model, sum(x[:, r.destination, r.product]) == r.demand)
Iterating through the rows of a query result works by incrementing a cursor inside the database. As a consequence, you cannot call Tables.rows
twice on the same query result.
The SQLite queries can be arbitrarily complex. For example, here's a query which builds every possible origin-destination pair:
od_pairs = DBInterface.execute(
SELECT a.location as 'origin',
b.location as 'destination'
FROM locations a
INNER JOIN locations b
ON a.type = 'origin' AND b.type = 'destination'
SQLite.Query{false}(SQLite.Stmt(SQLite.DB("/home/runner/work/JuMP.jl/JuMP.jl/docs/build/tutorials/linear/multi.sqlite"), Base.RefValue{Ptr{SQLite.C.sqlite3_stmt}}(Ptr{SQLite.C.sqlite3_stmt} @0x00000000749f3ad8), Dict{Int64, Any}()), Base.RefValue{Int32}(100), [:origin, :destination], Type[Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}], Dict(:origin => 1, :destination => 2), Base.RefValue{Int64}(0))
With a constraint that we cannot send more than 625 units between each pair:
for r in Tables.rows(od_pairs)
@constraint(model, sum(x[r.origin, r.destination, :]) <= 625)
Finally, we can optimize the model:
* Solver : HiGHS
* Status
Result count : 1
Termination status : OPTIMAL
Message from the solver:
* Candidate solution (result #1)
Primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Objective value : 2.25700e+05
Objective bound : 2.25700e+05
Relative gap : 0.00000e+00
Dual objective value : 2.25700e+05
* Work counters
Solve time (sec) : 6.73294e-04
Simplex iterations : 54
Barrier iterations : 0
Node count : -1
and print the solution:
println(" ", join(products, ' '))
for o in origins, d in destinations
v = lpad.([round(Int, value(x[o, d, p])) for p in products], 5)
println(o, " ", d, " ", join(replace.(v, " 0" => " . "), " "))
bands coils plate
GARY FRA 25 500 100
GARY DET 125 . 50
GARY LAN . . .
GARY WIN . . 50
GARY STL 250 300 .
GARY FRE . . .
GARY LAF . . .
CLEV FRA 275 . .
CLEV DET 100 200 50
CLEV LAN 100 . .
CLEV WIN . . .
CLEV STL . 625 .
CLEV FRE 225 400 .
CLEV LAF . 375 250
PITT FRA . . .
PITT DET 75 550 .
PITT LAN . 400 .
PITT WIN 75 250 .
PITT STL 400 25 200
PITT FRE . 450 100
PITT LAF 250 125 .