Computing the duals of a mixed-integer program

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This tutorial explains how to compute the duals of a mixed-integer linear program by fixing the discrete variables to their optimal solution and resolving as a linear program.

This tutorial uses the following packages:

using JuMP
import HiGHS

The model

Our example model is the unit commitment example from Unit commitment. The details are unimportant, other than to note that there are two types of continuous variables, g and w, representing the quantity of generation from thermal and wind plants, and a discrete variable dispatch, which is 1 if plant i is operating, and 0 if not.

We are interested in the "dual" of the power_balance constraint, because it represents the marginal price of electricity that consumers should pay for their consumption.

generators = [
    (min = 0.0, max = 1000.0, fixed_cost = 1000.0, variable_cost = 50.0),
    (min = 300.0, max = 1000.0, fixed_cost = 0.0, variable_cost = 100.0),
N = length(generators)
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variables(model, begin
    generators[i].min <= g[i = 1:N] <= generators[i].max
    0 <= w <= 200
    dispatch[i = 1:N], Bin
@constraints(model, begin
    power_balance, sum(g[i] for i in 1:N) + w == 1500
    [i = 1:N], g[i] <= generators[i].max * dispatch[i]
    [i = 1:N], g[i] >= generators[i].min * dispatch[i]
        generators[i].fixed_cost * dispatch[i] +
        generators[i].variable_cost * g[i] for i in 1:N
Min 1000 dispatch[1] + 50 g[1] + 100 g[2]
Subject to
 power_balance : g[1] + g[2] + w = 1500
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] - 300 dispatch[2] ≥ 0
 g[1] - 1000 dispatch[1] ≤ 0
 g[2] - 1000 dispatch[2] ≤ 0
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] ≥ 300
 w ≥ 0
 g[1] ≤ 1000
 g[2] ≤ 1000
 w ≤ 200
 dispatch[1] binary
 dispatch[2] binary

Manually fix the variables

If we optimize this model, we obtain a dual_status of NO_SOLUTION:

NO_SOLUTION::ResultStatusCode = 0

This is because HiGHS cannot compute the duals of a mixed-integer program. We can work around this problem by fixing the integer variables to their optimal solution, relaxing integrality, and re-solving as a linear program.

discrete_values = value.(dispatch)
fix.(dispatch, discrete_values; force = true)
Min 1000 dispatch[1] + 50 g[1] + 100 g[2]
Subject to
 power_balance : g[1] + g[2] + w = 1500
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] - 300 dispatch[2] ≥ 0
 g[1] - 1000 dispatch[1] ≤ 0
 g[2] - 1000 dispatch[2] ≤ 0
 dispatch[1] = 1
 dispatch[2] = 1
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] ≥ 300
 w ≥ 0
 g[1] ≤ 1000
 g[2] ≤ 1000
 w ≤ 200

Now if we re-solve the problem, we obtain a FEASIBLE_POINT for the dual:

FEASIBLE_POINT::ResultStatusCode = 1

and a marginal price of electricity of $100/MWh:


To reset the problem back to a mixed-integer linear program, we need to unfix and call set_binary:

Min 1000 dispatch[1] + 50 g[1] + 100 g[2]
Subject to
 power_balance : g[1] + g[2] + w = 1500
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] - 300 dispatch[2] ≥ 0
 g[1] - 1000 dispatch[1] ≤ 0
 g[2] - 1000 dispatch[2] ≤ 0
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] ≥ 300
 w ≥ 0
 g[1] ≤ 1000
 g[2] ≤ 1000
 w ≤ 200
 dispatch[1] binary
 dispatch[2] binary

Use fix_discrete_variables

Manually choosing the variables to relax and fix works for our small example, but it becomes more difficult in problems with a larger number of binary and integer variables. To automate the process we just did manually, JuMP provides the fix_discrete_variables function:

NO_SOLUTION::ResultStatusCode = 0
undo = fix_discrete_variables(model);

Here undo is a function that, when called with no arguments, returns the model to the original mixed-integer formulation.


After calling fix_discrete_variables, you can set a new solver with set_optimizer if your mixed-integer solver does not support computing a dual solution.

Min 1000 dispatch[1] + 50 g[1] + 100 g[2]
Subject to
 power_balance : g[1] + g[2] + w = 1500
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] - 300 dispatch[2] ≥ 0
 g[1] - 1000 dispatch[1] ≤ 0
 g[2] - 1000 dispatch[2] ≤ 0
 dispatch[1] = 1
 dispatch[2] = 1
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] ≥ 300
 w ≥ 0
 g[1] ≤ 1000
 g[2] ≤ 1000
 w ≤ 200
FEASIBLE_POINT::ResultStatusCode = 1

Finally, call undo to revert the reformulation

Min 1000 dispatch[1] + 50 g[1] + 100 g[2]
Subject to
 power_balance : g[1] + g[2] + w = 1500
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] - 300 dispatch[2] ≥ 0
 g[1] - 1000 dispatch[1] ≤ 0
 g[2] - 1000 dispatch[2] ≤ 0
 g[1] ≥ 0
 g[2] ≥ 300
 w ≥ 0
 g[1] ≤ 1000
 g[2] ≤ 1000
 w ≤ 200
 dispatch[1] binary
 dispatch[2] binary