Tolerances and numerical issues

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Optimization solvers can seem like magic black boxes that take in an algebraic formulation of a problem and return a solution. It is tempting to treat their solutions at face value, since we often have little ability to verify that the solution is in fact optimal. However, like all numerical algorithms that use floating point arithmetic, optimization solvers use tolerances to check whether a solution satisfies the constraints. In the best case, the solution satisfies the original constraints to machine precision. In most cases, the solution satisfies the constraints to some very small tolerance that has no noticeable impact on the quality of the optimal solution. In the worst case, the solver can return a "wrong" solution, or fail to find one even if it exists. (In the last case, the solution is wrong only in the sense of user expectation. It will satisfy the solution to the tolerances that are provided.)

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the various types of tolerances that are used in optimization solvers and what you can reasonably expect from a solution.

There are a few sources of additional information:


This tutorial is more advanced than the other "Getting started" tutorials. It's in the "Getting started" section to give you an early preview of how tolerances affect JuMP models. However, if you are new to JuMP, you may want to briefly skim the tutorial, and come back to it once you have written a few JuMP models.

Required packages

This tutorial uses the following packages:

using JuMP
import HiGHS
import SCS


Optimization solvers use tolerances to check the feasibility of constraints.

There are four main types of tolerances:

  1. primal feasibility: controls how feasibility of the primal solution is measured
  2. dual feasibility: controls how feasibility of the dual solution is measured
  3. integrality: controls how feasibility of the binary and integer variables are measured
  4. optimality: controls how close the primal and dual solutions must be.

Solvers may use absolute tolerances, relative tolerances, or some mixture of both. The definition and default value of each tolerance is solver-dependent.

The dual feasibility tolerance is much the same as the primal feasibility tolerance, only that operates on the space of dual solutions instead of the primal. HiGHS has dual_feasibility_tolerance, but some solvers have only a single feasibility tolerance that uses the same value for both.

The optimality tolerance is a more technical tolerance that is used to test the equivalence of the primal and dual objectives in the KKT system if you are solving a continuous problem via interior point. HiGHS has ipm_optimality_tolerance, but some solvers will not have such a tolerance. Note that the optimality tolerance is different to the relative MIP gap that controls early termination of a MIP solution during branch-and-bound.

Because the dual and optimality tolerances are less used, this tutorial focuses on the primal feasibility and integrality tolerances.

Primal feasibility

The primal feasibility tolerance controls how primal constraints are evaluated. For example, the constraint $2x = 1$ is actually implemented as $|2x - 1| \le \varepsilon$, where $\varepsilon$ is a small solver-dependent primal feasibility tolerance that is typically on the order of 1e-8.

Here's an example in practice. This model should be infeasible, since x must be non-negative, but there is also an equality constraint that x is equal to a small negative number. Yet when we solve this problem, we get:

model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@constraint(model, x == -1e-8)

In other words, HiGHS thinks that the solution x = 0 satisfies the constraint x == -1e-8. The value of $\varepsilon$ in HiGHS is controlled by the primal_feasibility_tolerance option. If we set this to a smaller value, HiGHS will now correctly deduce that the problem is infeasible:

set_attribute(model, "primal_feasibility_tolerance", 1e-10)

Realistic example

Here's a more realistic example, which was reported in the SCS.jl repository:

n, ε = 13, 0.0234
N = 2^n
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:N] >= 0)
@objective(model, Min, x[1])
@constraint(model, sum(x) == 1)
z = [(-1)^((i & (1 << j)) >> j) for j in 0:n-1, i in 0:N-1]
@constraint(model, z * x .>= 1 - ε)
	       SCS v3.2.6 - Splitting Conic Solver
	(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
problem:  variables n: 8192, constraints m: 8206
cones: 	  z: primal zero / dual free vars: 1
	  l: linear vars: 8205
settings: eps_abs: 1.0e-04, eps_rel: 1.0e-04, eps_infeas: 1.0e-07
	  alpha: 1.50, scale: 1.00e-01, adaptive_scale: 1
	  max_iters: 100000, normalize: 1, rho_x: 1.00e-06
	  acceleration_lookback: 10, acceleration_interval: 10
	  compiled with openmp parallelization enabled
lin-sys:  sparse-direct-amd-qdldl
	  nnz(A): 122880, nnz(P): 0
 iter | pri res | dua res |   gap   |   obj   |  scale  | time (s)
     0| 2.00e+01  1.00e+00  2.00e+01 -9.98e+00  1.00e-01  3.39e-02
   100| 6.92e-05  7.92e-05  7.33e-06  2.41e-05  1.00e-01  9.13e-02
status:  solved
timings: total: 9.13e-02s = setup: 3.29e-02s + solve: 5.84e-02s
	 lin-sys: 4.94e-02s, cones: 2.11e-03s, accel: 6.63e-04s
objective = 0.000024

SCS reports that it solved the problem to optimality:


and that the solution for x[1] is nearly zero:


However, the analytic solution for x[1] is:

1 - n * ε / 2

The answer is very wrong, and there is no indication from the solver that anything untoward happened. What's going on?

One useful debugging tool is primal_feasibility_report:

report = primal_feasibility_report(model)
Dict{Any, Float64} with 8192 entries:
  x[4236] ≥ 0 => 1.56101e-5
  x[1526] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[1421] ≥ 0 => 1.56101e-5
  x[6732] ≥ 0 => 1.8669e-5
  x[6863] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[6956] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[7055] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[5494] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[3008] ≥ 0 => 2.32572e-5
  x[5849] ≥ 0 => 1.8669e-5
  x[5692] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[5900] ≥ 0 => 1.8669e-5
  x[4330] ≥ 0 => 1.71395e-5
  x[5199] ≥ 0 => 1.71395e-5
  x[3391] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[5685] ≥ 0 => 1.71395e-5
  x[7298] ≥ 0 => 1.56101e-5
  x[5436] ≥ 0 => 2.01984e-5
  x[6650] ≥ 0 => 2.17278e-5
  ⋮           => ⋮

report is a dictionary which maps constraints to the violation. The largest violation is approximately 1e-5:


This makes sense, because the default primal feasibility tolerance for SCS is 1e-4.

Most of the entries are lower bound constraints on the variables. Here are all the variables which violate their lower bound:

violated_variables = filter(xi -> value(xi) < 0, x)
8178-element Vector{VariableRef}:

The first one is:

y = first(violated_variables)

\[ x_{4} \]

It has a primal value of:


which matches the value in the feasibility report:


Despite the small primal feasibility tolerance and the small actual violations of the constraints, our optimal solution is very far from the theoretical optimal.

We can "fix" our model by decreasing eps_abs and eps_rel, which SCS uses to control the absolute and relative feasibility tolerances. Now the solver finds the correct solution:

set_attribute(model, "eps_abs", 1e-5)
set_attribute(model, "eps_rel", 1e-5)
	       SCS v3.2.6 - Splitting Conic Solver
	(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
problem:  variables n: 8192, constraints m: 8206
cones: 	  z: primal zero / dual free vars: 1
	  l: linear vars: 8205
settings: eps_abs: 1.0e-05, eps_rel: 1.0e-05, eps_infeas: 1.0e-07
	  alpha: 1.50, scale: 1.00e-01, adaptive_scale: 1
	  max_iters: 100000, normalize: 1, rho_x: 1.00e-06
	  acceleration_lookback: 10, acceleration_interval: 10
	  compiled with openmp parallelization enabled
lin-sys:  sparse-direct-amd-qdldl
	  nnz(A): 122880, nnz(P): 0
 iter | pri res | dua res |   gap   |   obj   |  scale  | time (s)
     0| 2.00e+01  1.00e+00  2.00e+01 -9.98e+00  1.00e-01  3.34e-02
   250| 2.01e-02  2.85e-04  2.00e-02  3.01e-02  3.86e-01  1.81e-01
   500| 3.69e-04  5.93e-04  8.84e-05  8.48e-01  6.13e-01  3.30e-01
   550| 2.66e-06  6.58e-10  1.27e-05  8.48e-01  6.13e-01  3.60e-01
status:  solved
timings: total: 3.60e-01s = setup: 3.23e-02s + solve: 3.28e-01s
	 lin-sys: 2.69e-01s, cones: 1.14e-02s, accel: 5.41e-03s
objective = 0.847906
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)

Why you shouldn't use a small tolerance

There is no direct relationship between the size of feasibility tolerance and the quality of the solution.

You might surmise from this section that you should set the tightest feasibility tolerance possible. However, tighter tolerances come at the cost of increased solve time.

For example, SCS is a first-order solver. This means it uses only local gradient information at update each iteration. SCS took 100 iterations to solve the problem with the default tolerance of 1e-4, and 550 iterations to solve the problem with 1e-5. SCS may not be able to find a solution to our problem with a tighter tolerance in a reasonable amount of time.


Integrality tolerances control how the solver decides if a variable satisfies an integrality of binary constraint. The tolerance is typically defined as: $|x - \lfloor x + 0.5 \rfloor | \le \varepsilon$, which you can read as the absolute distance to the nearest integer.

Here's a simple example:

model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x == 1 + 1e-6, Int)

HiGHS found an optimal solution, and the value of x is:


In other words, HiGHS thinks that the solution x = 1.000001 satisfies the constraint that x must be an integer. primal_feasibility_report shows that indeed, the integrality constraint is violated:

Dict{Any, Float64} with 1 entry:
  x integer => 1.0e-6

The value of $\varepsilon$ in HiGHS is controlled by the mip_feasibility_tolerance option. The default is 1e-6. If we set the attribute to a smaller value, HiGHS will now correctly deduce that the problem is infeasible:

set_attribute(model, "mip_feasibility_tolerance", 1e-10)

Realistic example

Integrality tolerances are particularly important when you have big-M type constraints. Small non-integer values in the integer variables can cause "leakage" flows even when the big-M switch is "off." Consider this example:

M = 1e6
model = Model()
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, y, Bin)
@constraint(model, x <= M * y)
Subject to
 x - 1000000 y ≤ 0
 x ≥ 0
 y binary

This model has a feasible solution (to tolerances) of (x, y) = (1, 1e-6). There can be a non-zero value of x even when y is (approximately) 0.

primal_feasibility_report(model, Dict(x => 1.0, y => 1e-6))
Dict{Any, Float64} with 1 entry:
  y binary => 1.0e-6

Rounding the solution

Integrality tolerances are why JuMP does not return Int for value(x) of an integer variable or Bool for value(x) of a binary variable.

In most cases, it is safe to post-process the solution using y_int = round(Int, value(y)). However, in some cases "fixing" the integrality like this can cause violations in primal feasibility that exceed the primal feasibility tolerance. For example, if we rounded our (x, y) = (1, 1e-6) solution to (x, y) = (1, 0), then the constraint x <= M * y is now violated by a value of 1.0, which is much greater than a typical feasibility tolerance of 1e-8.

primal_feasibility_report(model, Dict(x => 1.0, y => 0.0))
Dict{Any, Float64} with 1 entry:
  x - 1000000 y ≤ 0 => 1.0

Why you shouldn't use a small tolerance

Just like primal feasibility tolerances, using a smaller value for the integrality tolerance can lead to greatly increased solve times.

Contradictory results

The distinction between feasible and infeasible can be surprisingly nuanced. Solver A might decide the problem is feasible while solver B might decide it is infeasible. Different algorithms within solver A (like simplex and barrier) may also come to different conclusions. Even changing settings like turning presolve on and off can make a difference.

Here is an example where HiGHS reports the problem is infeasible, but there exists a feasible (to tolerance) solution:

model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, y >= 0)
@constraint(model, x + 1e8 * y == -1)

The feasible solution (x, y) = (0.0, -1e-8) has a maximum primal violation of 1e-8 which is the HiGHS feasibility tolerance:

primal_feasibility_report(model, Dict(x => 0.0, y => -1e-8))
Dict{Any, Float64} with 1 entry:
  y ≥ 0 => 1.0e-8

This happens because there are two basic solutions. The first is infeasible at (x, y) = (-1, 0) and the second is feasible (x, y) = (0, -1e-8). Different algorithms may terminate at either of these bases.

Another example is a variation on our integrality example, but this time, there are constraints that x >= 1 and y <= 0.5:

M = 1e6
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= 1)
@variable(model, y, Bin)
@constraint(model, y <= 0.5)
@constraint(model, x <= M * y)

HiGHS reports the problem is infeasible, but there is a feasible (to tolerance) solution of:

primal_feasibility_report(model, Dict(x => 1.0, y => 1e-6))
Dict{Any, Float64} with 1 entry:
  y binary => 1.0e-6

This happens because the presolve routine deduces that the y <= 0.5 constraint forces the binary variable y to take the value 0. Substituting the value for y into the last constraint, presolve may also deduce that x <= 0, which violates the bound of x >= 1 and so the problem is infeasible.

We can work around this by providing HiGHS with the feasible starting solution:

set_start_value(x, 1)
set_start_value(y, 1e-6)

Now HiGHS will report that the problem is feasible:


Contradictory results are not a bug in the solver

These contradictory examples are not bugs in the HiGHS solver. They are an expected result of the interaction between the tolerances and the solution algorithm. There will always be models in the gray boundary at the edge of feasibility, for which the question of feasibility is not a clear true or false.

Problem scaling

Problem scaling refers to the absolute magnitudes of the data in your problem. The data is any numbers in the objective, the constraints, or the variable bounds.

We say that a problem is poorly scaled if there are very small ($< 10^{-3}$) or very large ($> 10^6$) coefficients in the problem, or if the ratio of the largest to smallest coefficient is large.

Numerical issues related to the feasibility tolerances most commonly arise because of poor problem scaling. The next examples assume a primal feasibility tolerance of 1e-8, but actual tolerances may vary from one solver to another.

Small magnitudes

If the problem data is too small, then the feasibility tolerance can be too easily satisfied. For example, consider:

model = Model()
@variable(model, x)
@constraint(model, 1e-8 * x == 1e-4)

\[ 1.0 \times 10^{-8} x = 0.0001 \]

This should have the solution that $x = 10^4$, but because the feasibility tolerance of this constraint is $|10^{-4} - 10^{-8} * x| < 10^{-8}$, it actually permits any value of x between 9999 and 10,001, which is a larger range of feasible values than you might have expected.

Large magnitudes

If the problem data is too large, then the feasibility tolerance can be too difficult to satisfy.

model = Model()
@variable(model, x)
@constraint(model, 1e12 * x == 1e4)

\[ 1000000000000 x = 10000 \]

This should have the solution that $x = 10^{-8}$, but because the feasibility tolerance of this constraint is $|10^{12}x - 10^{4}| < 10^{-8}$, it actually permits any value of x in $10^{-8} \pm 10^{-20}$, which is a smaller range of feasible values than you might have expected.

Large magnitude ratios

If the ratio of the smallest to the largest magnitude is too large, then the tolerances or small changes in the input data can lead to large changes in the optimal solution. We have already seen an example with the integrality tolerance, but we can exacerbate the behavior by putting a small coefficient on x:

model = Model()
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, y, Bin)
@constraint(model, 1e-6x <= 1e6 * y)

\[ 1.0 \times 10^{-6} x - 1000000 y \leq 0 \]

This problem has a feasible (to tolerance) solution of:

primal_feasibility_report(model, Dict(x => 1_000_000.01, y => 1e-6))
Dict{Any, Float64} with 2 entries:
  y binary                 => 1.0e-6
  1.0e-6 x - 1000000 y ≤ 0 => 1.0e-8

If you intended the constraint to read that if x is non-zero then y = 1, this solution might be unexpected.

There are no hard rules that you must follow, and the interaction between tolerances, problem scaling, and the solution is problem dependent. You should always check the solution returned by the solver to check it makes sense for your application.

With that caveat in mind, a general rule of thumb to follow is:

Try to keep the ratio of the smallest to largest coefficient less than $10^6$ in any row and column, and try to keep most values between $10^{-3}$ and $10^6$.

Choosing the correct units

The best way to fix problem scaling is by changing the units of your variables and constraints. Here's an example. Suppose we are choosing the level of capacity investment in a new power plant. We can install up to 1 GW of capacity at a cost of $1.78/W, and we have a budget of $200 million.

model = Model()
@variable(model, 0 <= x_capacity_W <= 10^9)
@constraint(model, 1.78 * x_capacity_W <= 200e6)

\[ 1.78 x\_capacity\_W \leq 200000000 \]

This constraint violates the recommendations because there are values greater than $10^6$, and the ratio of the coefficients in the constraint is $10^8$.

One fix is the convert our capacity variable from Watts to Megawatts. This yields:

model = Model()
@variable(model, 0 <= x_capacity_MW <= 10^3)
@constraint(model, 1.78e6 * x_capacity_MW <= 200e6)

\[ 1780000 x\_capacity\_MW \leq 200000000 \]

We can improve our model further by dividing the constraint by $10^6$ to change the units from dollars to million dollars.

model = Model()
@variable(model, 0 <= x_capacity_MW <= 10^3)
@constraint(model, 1.78 * x_capacity_MW <= 200)

\[ 1.78 x\_capacity\_MW \leq 200 \]

This problem is equivalent to the original problem, but it has much better problem scaling.

As a general rule, to fix problem scaling you must simultaneously scale both variables and constraints. It is usually not sufficient to scale variables or constraints in isolation.