Performance problems with sum-if formulations
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The purpose of this tutorial is to explain a common performance issue that can arise with summations like sum(x[a] for a in list if condition(a))
. This issue is particularly common in models with graph or network structures.
This tutorial is more advanced than the other "Getting started" tutorials. It's in the "Getting started" section because it is one of the most common causes of performance problems that users experience when they first start using JuMP to write large scale programs. If you are new to JuMP, you may want to briefly skim the tutorial and come back to it once you have written a few JuMP models.
Required packages
This tutorial uses the following packages
using JuMP
import Plots
As a motivating example, we consider a network flow problem, like the examples in Network flow problems or The network multi-commodity flow problem.
Here is a function that builds a random graph. The specifics do not matter.
function build_random_graph(num_nodes::Int, num_edges::Int)
nodes = 1:num_nodes
edges = Pair{Int,Int}[i - 1 => i for i in 2:num_nodes]
while length(edges) < num_edges
edge = rand(nodes) => rand(nodes)
if !(edge in edges)
push!(edges, edge)
function demand(n)
if n == 1
return -1
elseif n == num_nodes
return 1
return 0
return nodes, edges, demand
nodes, edges, demand = build_random_graph(4, 8)
(1:4, [1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 1 => 1, 3 => 2, 1 => 4], Main.demand)
The goal is to decide the flow of a commodity along each edge in edges
to satisfy the demand(n)
of each node n
in nodes
The mathematical formulation is:
\[\begin{aligned} s.t. && \sum_{(i,n)\in E} x_{i,n} - \sum_{(n,j)\in E} x_{n,j} = d_n && \forall n \in N\\ && x_{e} \ge 0 && \forall e \in E \end{aligned}\]
Naïve model
The first model you might write down is:
model = Model()
@variable(model, flows[e in edges] >= 0)
[n in nodes],
sum(flows[(i, j)] for (i, j) in edges if j == n) -
sum(flows[(i, j)] for (i, j) in edges if i == n) == demand(n)
The benefit of this formulation is that it looks very similar to the mathematical formulation of a network flow problem.
The downside to this formulation is subtle. Behind the scenes, the JuMP @constraint
macro expands to something like:
model = Model()
@variable(model, flows[e in edges] >= 0)
for n in nodes
flow_in = AffExpr(0.0)
for (i, j) in edges
if j == n
add_to_expression!(flow_in, flows[(i, j)])
flow_out = AffExpr(0.0)
for (i, j) in edges
if i == n
add_to_expression!(flow_out, flows[(i, j)])
@constraint(model, flow_in - flow_out == demand(n))
This formulation includes two for-loops, with a loop over every edge (twice) for every node. The big-O notation of the runtime is $O(|nodes| \times |edges|)$. If you have a large number of nodes and a large number of edges, the runtime of this loop can be large.
Let's build a function to benchmark our formulation:
function build_naive_model(nodes, edges, demand)
model = Model()
@variable(model, flows[e in edges] >= 0)
[n in nodes],
sum(flows[(i, j)] for (i, j) in edges if j == n) -
sum(flows[(i, j)] for (i, j) in edges if i == n) == demand(n)
return model
nodes, edges, demand = build_random_graph(1_000, 2_000)
@elapsed build_naive_model(nodes, edges, demand)
A good way to benchmark is to measure the runtime across a wide range of input sizes. From our big-O analysis, we should expect that doubling the number of nodes and edges results in a 4x increase in the runtime.
run_times = Float64[]
factors = 1:10
for factor in factors
graph = build_random_graph(1_000 * factor, 5_000 * factor)
push!(run_times, @elapsed build_naive_model(graph...))
Plots.plot(; xlabel = "Factor", ylabel = "Runtime [s]")
Plots.scatter!(factors, run_times; label = "Actual")
a, b = hcat(ones(10), factors .^ 2) \ run_times
Plots.plot!(factors, a .+ b * factors .^ 2; label = "Quadratic fit")
As expected, the runtimes demonstrate quadratic scaling: if we double the number of nodes and edges, the runtime increases by a factor of four.
We can improve our formulation by caching the list of incoming and outgoing nodes for each node n
out_nodes = Dict(n => Int[] for n in nodes)
in_nodes = Dict(n => Int[] for n in nodes)
for (i, j) in edges
push!(out_nodes[i], j)
push!(in_nodes[j], i)
with the corresponding change to our model:
model = Model()
@variable(model, flows[e in edges] >= 0)
[n in nodes],
sum(flows[(i, n)] for i in in_nodes[n]) -
sum(flows[(n, j)] for j in out_nodes[n]) == demand(n)
The benefit of this formulation is that we now loop over out_nodes[n]
rather than edges
for each node n
, and so the runtime is $O(|edges|)$.
Let's build a new function to benchmark our formulation:
function build_cached_model(nodes, edges, demand)
out_nodes = Dict(n => Int[] for n in nodes)
in_nodes = Dict(n => Int[] for n in nodes)
for (i, j) in edges
push!(out_nodes[i], j)
push!(in_nodes[j], i)
model = Model()
@variable(model, flows[e in edges] >= 0)
[n in nodes],
sum(flows[(i, n)] for i in in_nodes[n]) -
sum(flows[(n, j)] for j in out_nodes[n]) == demand(n)
return model
nodes, edges, demand = build_random_graph(1_000, 2_000)
@elapsed build_cached_model(nodes, edges, demand)
Now we can analyse the difference in runtime of the two formulations:
run_times_naive = Float64[]
run_times_cached = Float64[]
factors = 1:10
for factor in factors
graph = build_random_graph(1_000 * factor, 5_000 * factor)
push!(run_times_naive, @elapsed build_naive_model(graph...))
push!(run_times_cached, @elapsed build_cached_model(graph...))
Plots.plot(; xlabel = "Factor", ylabel = "Runtime [s]")
Plots.scatter!(factors, run_times_naive; label = "Actual")
a, b = hcat(ones(10), factors .^ 2) \ run_times_naive
Plots.plot!(factors, a .+ b * factors .^ 2; label = "Quadratic fit")
Plots.scatter!(factors, run_times_cached; label = "Cached")
a, b = hcat(ones(10), factors) \ run_times_cached
Plots.plot!(factors, a .+ b * factors; label = "Linear fit")
Even though the cached model needs to build in_nodes
and out_nodes
, it is asymptotically faster than the naïve model, scaling linearly with factor
rather than quadratically.
If you write code with sum-if
type conditions, for example, @constraint(model, [a in set], sum(x[b] for b in list if condition(a, b))
, you can improve the performance by caching the elements for which condition(a, b)
is true.
Finally, you should understand that this behavior is not specific to JuMP, and that it applies more generally to all computer programs you might write. (Python programs that use Pyomo or gurobipy would similarly benefit from this caching approach.)
Understanding big-O notation and algorithmic complexity is a useful debugging skill to have, regardless of the type of program that you are writing.