Example: minimal ellipses
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This example comes from section 8.4.1 of the book Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe (2004).
Given a set of $m$ ellipses of the form:
\[E(A, b, c) = \{ x : x^\top A x + 2 b^\top x + c \leq 0 \},\]
the minimal ellipse problem finds an ellipse with the minimum area that encloses the given ellipses.
It is convenient to parameterize the minimal enclosing ellipse as
\[\{ x : || Px + q || \leq 1 \}.\]
Then the optimal $P$ and $q$ are given by the convex semidefinite program;
\[\begin{aligned} \text{maximize } & \quad \log(\det(P)) \\ \text{subject to } & \quad \tau_i \geq 0, & i = 1, \ldots, m \\ & \quad\begin{bmatrix} P^2 - \tau_i A_i & P q - \tau_i b_i & 0 \\ (P q - \tau_i b_i)^\top & -1 - \tau_i c_i & (P q)^\top \\ 0 & (P q) & - P^2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \preceq 0 \text{ (PSD) } & i=1, \ldots, m \end{aligned}\]
with helper variables $\tau$.
Required packages
This tutorial uses the following packages:
using JuMP
import LinearAlgebra
import Plots
import SCS
import Test
First, define the $m$ input ellipses (here $m = 6$), parameterized as $x^T A_i x + 2 b_i^T x + c \leq 0$:
struct Ellipse
function Ellipse(A::Matrix{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}, c::Float64)
@assert isreal(A) && LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A)
return new(A, b, c)
ellipses = [
Ellipse([1.2576 -0.3873; -0.3873 0.3467], [0.2722, 0.1969], 0.1831),
Ellipse([1.4125 -2.1777; -2.1777 6.7775], [-1.228, -0.0521], 0.3295),
Ellipse([1.7018 0.8141; 0.8141 1.7538], [-0.4049, 1.5713], 0.2077),
Ellipse([0.9742 -0.7202; -0.7202 1.5444], [0.0265, 0.5623], 0.2362),
Ellipse([0.6798 -0.1424; -0.1424 0.6871], [-0.4301, -1.0157], 0.3284),
Ellipse([0.1796 -0.1423; -0.1423 2.6181], [-0.3286, 0.557], 0.4931),
We visualise the ellipses using the Plots package:
function plot_ellipse(plot, ellipse::Ellipse)
A, b, c = ellipse.A, ellipse.b, ellipse.c
θ = range(0, 2pi + 0.05; step = 0.05)
# Some linear algebra to convert θ into (x,y) coordinates.
x_y = √A \ (√(b' * (A \ b) - c) .* hcat(cos.(θ), sin.(θ)) .- (√A \ b)')'
Plots.plot!(plot, x_y[1, :], x_y[2, :]; label = nothing, c = :navy)
plot = Plots.plot(; size = (600, 600))
for ellipse in ellipses
plot_ellipse(plot, ellipse)
Build the model
Now let's build the model, using the change-of-variables P²
= $P^2$ and P_q
= $P q$. We'll recover the true value of P
and q
after the solve.
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
# We need to use a tighter tolerance for this example, otherwise the bounding
# ellipse won't actually be bounding...
set_attribute(model, "eps_rel", 1e-6)
m, n = length(ellipses), size(first(ellipses).A, 1)
@variable(model, τ[1:m] >= 0)
@variable(model, P²[1:n, 1:n], PSD)
@variable(model, P_q[1:n])
for (i, ellipse) in enumerate(ellipses)
A, b, c = ellipse.A, ellipse.b, ellipse.c
X = [
#! format: off
(P² - τ[i] * A) (P_q - τ[i] * b) zeros(n, n)
(P_q - τ[i] * b)' (-1 - τ[i] * c) P_q'
zeros(n, n) P_q -P²
#! format: on
@constraint(model, LinearAlgebra.Symmetric(X) <= 0, PSDCone())
We cannot directly represent the objective $\log(\det(P))$, so we introduce the conic reformulation:
@variable(model, log_det_P)
@constraint(model, [log_det_P; 1; vec(P²)] in MOI.LogDetConeSquare(n))
@objective(model, Max, log_det_P)
\[ log\_det\_P \]
Now, solve the program:
* Solver : SCS
* Status
Result count : 1
Termination status : OPTIMAL
Message from the solver:
* Candidate solution (result #1)
Primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT
Objective value : -4.04358e+00
Dual objective value : -4.04364e+00
* Work counters
Solve time (sec) : 2.19316e-01
After solving the model to optimality we can recover the solution in terms of $P$ and $q$:
P = sqrt(value.(P²))
q = P \ value.(P_q)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Finally, overlaying the solution in the plot we see the minimal area enclosing ellipsoid:
[tuple(P \ [cos(θ) - q[1], sin(θ) - q[2]]...) for θ in 0:0.05:(2pi+0.05)];
c = :crimson,
label = nothing,