Writing a solver interface

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The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to implement a basic solver interface to MathOptInterface. As a motivating example, we implement the Primal Dual Hybrid Gradient (PDHG) method. PDHG is a first-order method that can solve convex optimization problems.

Google has a good introduction to the math behind PDLP, which is a variant of PDHG specialized for linear programs.

Required packages

This tutorial requires the following packages:

using JuMP
import LinearAlgebra
import MathOptInterface as MOI
import Printf
import SparseArrays

Primal Dual Hybrid Gradient

The following function is a pedagogical implementation of PDHG that solves the linear program:

\[\begin{aligned} \text{min} \ & c^\top x \\ \text{subject to} \ & Ax = b \\ & x \ge 0. \end{aligned}\]

Note that this implementation is intentionally kept simple. It is not robust nor efficient, and it does not incorporate the theoretical improvements in the PDLP paper. It does use two workspace vectors so that the body of the iteration loop is non-allocating.

function solve_pdhg(
    maximum_iterations::Int = 100_000,
    tol::Float64 = 1e-4,
    verbose::Bool = true,
    log_frequency::Int = 1_000,
    printf(x::Float64) = Printf.@sprintf("% 1.6e", x)
    printf(x::Int) = Printf.@sprintf("%6d", x)
    m, n = size(A)
    η = τ = 1 / LinearAlgebra.norm(A) - 1e-6
    x, x_next, y, k, status = zeros(n), zeros(n), zeros(m), 0, MOI.OTHER_ERROR
    m_workspace, n_workspace = zeros(m), zeros(n)
    if verbose
            "  iter      pobj          dobj         pfeas         dfeas       objfeas",
    while status == MOI.OTHER_ERROR
        k += 1
        # =====================================================================
        # This block computes x_next = max.(0.0, x - η * (A' * y + c))
        LinearAlgebra.mul!(x_next, A', y)
        LinearAlgebra.axpby!(-η, c, -η, x_next)
        x_next .+= x
        x_next .= max.(0.0, x_next)
        # =====================================================================
        # This block computes y += τ * (A * (2 * x_next - x) - b)
        copy!(n_workspace, x_next)
        LinearAlgebra.axpby!(-1.0, x, 2.0, n_workspace)
        LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, A, n_workspace, τ, 1.0)
        LinearAlgebra.axpy!(-τ, b, y)
        # =====================================================================
        copy!(x, x_next)
        # =====================================================================
        # This block computes pfeas = LinearAlgebra.norm(A * x - b)
        LinearAlgebra.mul!(m_workspace, A, x)
        m_workspace .-= b
        pfeas = LinearAlgebra.norm(m_workspace)
        # =====================================================================
        # This block computes dfeas = LinearAlgebra.norm(min.(0.0, A' * y + c))
        LinearAlgebra.mul!(n_workspace, A', y)
        n_workspace .+= c
        n_workspace .= min.(0.0, n_workspace)
        dfeas = LinearAlgebra.norm(n_workspace)
        # =====================================================================
        objfeas = abs(LinearAlgebra.dot(c, x) + LinearAlgebra.dot(b, y))
        if pfeas <= tol && dfeas <= tol && objfeas <= tol
            status = MOI.OPTIMAL
        elseif k == maximum_iterations
            status = MOI.ITERATION_LIMIT
        if verbose && (mod(k, log_frequency) == 0 || status != MOI.OTHER_ERROR)
            logs = printf.((k, c' * x, -b' * y, pfeas, dfeas, objfeas))
            println(join(logs, " "))
    return status, k, x, y
solve_pdhg (generic function with 1 method)

Here's an example:

A = [0.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0; 6.0 8.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0; 7.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0]
b = [-3.0, 100.0, 120.0]
c = [12.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
status, k, x, y = solve_pdhg(SparseArrays.sparse(A), b, c);
  iter      pobj          dobj         pfeas         dfeas       objfeas
  1000  2.050187e+02  2.044002e+02  2.006420e-01  2.674295e-02  6.185366e-01
  2000  2.049895e+02  2.051241e+02  1.705136e-02  2.746207e-02  1.346232e-01
  3000  2.050050e+02  2.050805e+02  8.907061e-03  8.405470e-03  7.550812e-02
  4000  2.050024e+02  2.049755e+02  4.046623e-03  9.374982e-04  2.689079e-02
  5000  2.049995e+02  2.049831e+02  8.635908e-04  6.483234e-04  1.633722e-02
  6000  2.049995e+02  2.050016e+02  7.833794e-04  1.676266e-04  2.095135e-03
  7000  2.050000e+02  2.050030e+02  2.811341e-05  3.065459e-04  2.964863e-03
  8000  2.050001e+02  2.050002e+02  1.316682e-04  1.674879e-05  8.453982e-05
  8365  2.049999e+02  2.050000e+02  9.473351e-05  2.381905e-06  7.955573e-05

The termination status is:

OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 1

The solve took the following number of iterations:


The primal solution is:

5-element Vector{Float64}:

The dual multipliers are:

3-element Vector{Float64}:

The MOI interface

Converting a linear program from the modeler's form into the A, b, and c matrices of the standard form required by our implementation of PDHG is tedious and error-prone. This section walks through how to implement a basic interface to MathOptInterface, so that we can use our algorithm from JuMP.

For a more comprehensive guide, see Implementing a solver interface.

The Optimizer type

Create an optimizer by subtyping MOI.AbstractOptimizer. By convention, the name of this type is Optimizer, and most optimizers are available as PackageName.Optimizer.

The fields inside the optimizer are arbitrary. Store whatever is useful.


Create a new optimizer for PDHG.
mutable struct Optimizer <: MOI.AbstractOptimizer
    # A mapping from variable to column
    # A mapping from constraint to rows
    # Information from solve_pdhg
    # Other useful quantities

    function Optimizer()
        F = MOI.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}
        return new(

Now that we have an Optimizer, we need to implement two methods: MOI.is_empty and MOI.empty!. These are called whenever MOI needs to ensure that the optimizer is in a clean state.

function MOI.is_empty(model::Optimizer)
    # You might want to check every field, not just a few
    return isempty(model.x_to_col) && model.status == MOI.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED

function MOI.empty!(model::Optimizer)
    model.status = MOI.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED
    model.iterations = 0
    model.solve_time = 0.0
    model.obj_value = 0.0

Next, we need to define what constraints the optimizer supports. Since our standard form was $Ax = b$, we support only $Ax + b \in \{0\}$, which is a MOI.VectorAffineFunction in MOI.Zeros constraint. Note that you might have expected $Ax - b \in \{0\}$. We'll address the difference in the sign of b in a few places later on.

function MOI.supports_constraint(
    return true

By default, MOI assumes that it can add free variables. This isn't true for our standard form, because we support only $x \ge 0$. Let's tell MOI that:

MOI.supports_add_constrained_variables(::Optimizer, ::Type{MOI.Reals}) = false

function MOI.supports_add_constrained_variables(
    return true

The objective function that we support is MOI.ScalarAffineFunction:

function MOI.supports(
    return true

Finally, we'll implement MOI.SolverName so that MOI knows how to print the name of our optimizer:

MOI.get(::Optimizer, ::MOI.SolverName) = "PDHG"


The simplest way to solve a problem with your optimizer is to implement the method MOI.optimize!(dest::Optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike), where src is an input model and dest is your empty optimizer.

To implement this method you would need to query the variables and constraints in src and the convert these into the matrix data expected by solve_pdhg. Since matrix input is a common requirement of solvers, MOI includes utilities to simplify the process.

The downside of the utilities is that they involve a highly parameterized type with a large number of possible configurations.The upside of the utilities is that, once setup, they requires few lines of code to extract the problem matrices.

First, we need to define the set of sets that our standard form supports. For PDHG, we support only Ax + b in {0}:

MOI.Utilities.@product_of_sets(SetOfZeros, MOI.Zeros)

Then, we define a MOI.Utilities.GenericModel. This is the highly parameterized type that can be customized.

const CacheModel = MOI.Utilities.GenericModel{
    # The coefficient type is Float64
    # We use the default objective container
    # We use the default variable container
    # We use a Matrix of Constraints to represent `A * x + b in K`
        # The number type is Float64
        # The matrix type `A` is a sparse matrix
            # ... with Float64 coefficients
            # ... Int64 row and column indices
            # ... and it uses one-based indexing
        # The vector type `b` is a Julia `Vector`
        # The set type `K` is the SetOfZeros type we defined above
MathOptInterface.Utilities.GenericModel{Float64, MathOptInterface.Utilities.ObjectiveContainer{Float64}, MathOptInterface.Utilities.VariablesContainer{Float64}, MathOptInterface.Utilities.MatrixOfConstraints{Float64, MathOptInterface.Utilities.MutableSparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64, MathOptInterface.Utilities.OneBasedIndexing}, Vector{Float64}, Main.SetOfZeros{Float64}}}

As one example of possible alternate configuration, if you were interfacing with a solver written in C that expected zero-based indices, you might use instead:

MathOptInterface.Utilities.MutableSparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int32, MathOptInterface.Utilities.ZeroBasedIndexing}

The best place to look at how to configure GenericModel is to find an existing solver with the same input standard form that you require.

We need to make one modification to CacheModel to tell MOI that $x \in \mathbb{R}_+$ is equivalent to adding variables in MOI.GreaterThan:

function MOI.add_constrained_variables(model::CacheModel, set::MOI.Nonnegatives)
    x = MOI.add_variables(model, MOI.dimension(set))
    MOI.add_constraint.(model, x, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
    ci = MOI.ConstraintIndex{MOI.VectorOfVariables,MOI.Nonnegatives}(x[1].value)
    return x, ci

The optimize method

Now we define the most important method for our optimizer.

function MOI.optimize!(dest::Optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike)
    # In addition to the values returned by `solve_pdhg`, it may be useful to
    # record other attributes, such as the solve time.
    start_time = time()
    # Construct a cache to store our problem data:
    cache = CacheModel()
    # MOI includes a utility to copy an arbitrary `src` model into `cache`. The
    # return, `index_map`, is a mapping from indices in `src` to indices in
    # `dest`.
    index_map = MOI.copy_to(cache, src)
    # Now we can access the `A` matrix:
    A = convert(
    # and the b vector (note that MOI models Ax = b as Ax + b in {0}, so b
    # differs by -):
    b = -cache.constraints.constants
    # The `c` vector is more involved, because we need to account for the
    # objective sense:
    sense = ifelse(cache.objective.sense == MOI.MAX_SENSE, -1, 1)
    F = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
    obj = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{F}())
    c = zeros(size(A, 2))
    for term in obj.terms
        c[term.variable.value] += sense * term.coefficient
    # Now we can solve the problem with PDHG and record the solution:
    dest.status, dest.iterations, dest.x, dest.y = solve_pdhg(A, b, c)
    # To help assign the values of the x and y vectors to the appropriate
    # variables and constrats, we need a map of the constraint indices to their
    # row in the `dest` matrix and a map of the variable indices to their
    # column in the `dest` matrix:
    F, S = MOI.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}, MOI.Zeros
    for src_ci in MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraintIndices{F,S}())
        dest.ci_to_rows[index_map[src_ci]] =
            MOI.Utilities.rows(cache.constraints.sets, index_map[src_ci])
    for (i, src_x) in enumerate(MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfVariableIndices()))
        dest.x_to_col[index_map[src_x]] = i
    # We can now record two derived quantities: the primal objective value and
    # the solve time.
    dest.obj_value = obj.constant + sense * c' * dest.x
    dest.solve_time = time() - start_time
    # We need to return the index map, and `false`, to indicate to MOI that we
    # do not support incremental modification of the model.
    return index_map, false


Now that we know how to solve a model, let's implement the required solution attributes.

First, we need to tell MOI how many solutions we found via MOI.ResultCount:

function MOI.get(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.ResultCount)
    return model.status == MOI.OPTIMAL ? 1 : 0

and implement MOI.RawStatusString to provide a user-readable string that describes what happened:

function MOI.get(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.RawStatusString)
    if model.status == MOI.OPTIMAL
        return "found a primal-dual optimal solution (subject to tolerances)"
    return "failed to solve"

Then, we need to implement the three types of problem status: MOI.TerminationStatus, MOI.PrimalStatus and MOI.DualStatus:

MOI.get(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.TerminationStatus) = model.status

function MOI.get(model::Optimizer, attr::Union{MOI.PrimalStatus,MOI.DualStatus})
    if attr.result_index == 1 && model.status == MOI.OPTIMAL
        return MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT
    return MOI.NO_SOLUTION

Now we can implement MOI.ObjectiveValue, MOI.VariablePrimal, and MOI.ConstraintDual:

function MOI.get(model::Optimizer, attr::MOI.ObjectiveValue)
    MOI.check_result_index_bounds(model, attr)
    return model.obj_value

function MOI.get(
    MOI.check_result_index_bounds(model, attr)
    return model.x[model.x_to_col[x]]

function MOI.get(
    MOI.check_result_index_bounds(model, attr)
    # MOI models Ax = b as Ax + b in {0}, so the dual differs by -
    return -model.y[model.ci_to_rows[ci]]

Some other useful result quantities are MOI.SolveTimeSec and MOI.BarrierIterations:

MOI.get(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.SolveTimeSec) = model.solve_time
MOI.get(model::Optimizer, ::MOI.BarrierIterations) = model.iterations

A JuMP example

Now we can solve an arbitrary linear program with JuMP. Here's the same standard form as before:

model = Model(Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:5] >= 0)
@objective(model, Min, c' * x)
@constraint(model, c3, A * x == b)
  iter      pobj          dobj         pfeas         dfeas       objfeas
  1000  2.050187e+02  2.044002e+02  2.006420e-01  2.674295e-02  6.185366e-01
  2000  2.049895e+02  2.051241e+02  1.705136e-02  2.746207e-02  1.346232e-01
  3000  2.050050e+02  2.050805e+02  8.907061e-03  8.405470e-03  7.550812e-02
  4000  2.050024e+02  2.049755e+02  4.046623e-03  9.374982e-04  2.689079e-02
  5000  2.049995e+02  2.049831e+02  8.635908e-04  6.483234e-04  1.633722e-02
  6000  2.049995e+02  2.050016e+02  7.833794e-04  1.676266e-04  2.095135e-03
  7000  2.050000e+02  2.050030e+02  2.811341e-05  3.065459e-04  2.964863e-03
  8000  2.050001e+02  2.050002e+02  1.316682e-04  1.674879e-05  8.453982e-05
  8365  2.049999e+02  2.050000e+02  9.473351e-05  2.381905e-06  7.955573e-05
solution_summary(model; verbose = true)
* Solver : PDHG

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OPTIMAL
  Message from the solver:
  "found a primal-dual optimal solution (subject to tolerances)"

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : 2.05000e+02
  Dual objective value : 2.05000e+02
  Primal solution :
    x[1] : 1.50001e+01
    x[2] : 1.24995e+00
    x[3] : 1.75010e+00
    x[4] : 0.00000e+00
    x[5] : 0.00000e+00
  Dual solution :
    c3 : [-1.93193e-06,2.50002e-01,1.50000e+00]

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 2.11005e-01
  Barrier iterations : 8365

But we could also have written:

model = Model(Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, 0 <= y <= 3)
@objective(model, Min, 12x + 20y)
@constraint(model, c1, 6x + 8y >= 100)
@constraint(model, c2, 7x + 12y >= 120)
  iter      pobj          dobj         pfeas         dfeas       objfeas
  1000  2.050187e+02  2.044002e+02  2.006420e-01  2.674295e-02  6.185366e-01
  2000  2.049895e+02  2.051241e+02  1.705136e-02  2.746207e-02  1.346232e-01
  3000  2.050050e+02  2.050805e+02  8.907061e-03  8.405470e-03  7.550812e-02
  4000  2.050024e+02  2.049755e+02  4.046623e-03  9.374982e-04  2.689079e-02
  5000  2.049995e+02  2.049831e+02  8.635908e-04  6.483234e-04  1.633722e-02
  6000  2.049995e+02  2.050016e+02  7.833794e-04  1.676266e-04  2.095135e-03
  7000  2.050000e+02  2.050030e+02  2.811341e-05  3.065459e-04  2.964863e-03
  8000  2.050001e+02  2.050002e+02  1.316682e-04  1.674879e-05  8.453982e-05
  8365  2.049999e+02  2.050000e+02  9.473351e-05  2.381905e-06  7.955573e-05
solution_summary(model; verbose = true)
* Solver : PDHG

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OPTIMAL
  Message from the solver:
  "found a primal-dual optimal solution (subject to tolerances)"

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : 2.05000e+02
  Dual objective value : 2.05000e+02
  Primal solution :
    x : 1.50001e+01
    y : 1.24995e+00
  Dual solution :
    c1 : 2.50002e-01
    c2 : 1.50000e+00

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 1.72091e-03
  Barrier iterations : 8365

Other variations are also possible:

model = Model(Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:5] >= 0)
@objective(model, Max, -c' * x)
@constraint(model, c4, A * x .== b)
  iter      pobj          dobj         pfeas         dfeas       objfeas
  1000  2.050187e+02  2.044002e+02  2.006420e-01  2.674295e-02  6.185366e-01
  2000  2.049895e+02  2.051241e+02  1.705136e-02  2.746207e-02  1.346232e-01
  3000  2.050050e+02  2.050805e+02  8.907061e-03  8.405470e-03  7.550812e-02
  4000  2.050024e+02  2.049755e+02  4.046623e-03  9.374982e-04  2.689079e-02
  5000  2.049995e+02  2.049831e+02  8.635908e-04  6.483234e-04  1.633722e-02
  6000  2.049995e+02  2.050016e+02  7.833794e-04  1.676266e-04  2.095135e-03
  7000  2.050000e+02  2.050030e+02  2.811341e-05  3.065459e-04  2.964863e-03
  8000  2.050001e+02  2.050002e+02  1.316682e-04  1.674879e-05  8.453982e-05
  8365  2.049999e+02  2.050000e+02  9.473351e-05  2.381905e-06  7.955573e-05
solution_summary(model; verbose = true)
* Solver : PDHG

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : OPTIMAL
  Message from the solver:
  "found a primal-dual optimal solution (subject to tolerances)"

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : -2.05000e+02
  Dual objective value : -2.05000e+02
  Primal solution :
    x[1] : 1.50001e+01
    x[2] : 1.24995e+00
    x[3] : 1.75010e+00
    x[4] : 0.00000e+00
    x[5] : 0.00000e+00
  Dual solution :
    c4 : multiple constraints with the same name

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 1.73402e-03
  Barrier iterations : 8365

Behind the scenes, JuMP and MathOptInterface reformulate the problem from the modeller's form into the standard form defined by our Optimizer.