
JuMP models are the fundamental building block that we use to construct optimization problems. They hold things like the variables and constraints, as well as which solver to use and even solution information.


JuMP uses "optimizer" as a synonym for "solver." Our convention is to use "solver" to refer to the underlying software, and use "optimizer" to refer to the Julia object that wraps the solver. For example, HiGHS is a solver, and HiGHS.Optimizer is an optimizer.


See Supported solvers for a list of available solvers.

Create a model

Create a model by passing an optimizer to Model:

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
A JuMP Model
├ solver: HiGHS
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

If you don't know which optimizer you will be using at creation time, create a model without an optimizer, and then call set_optimizer at any time prior to optimize!:

julia> model = Model()
A JuMP Model
├ solver: none
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

julia> set_optimizer(model, HiGHS.Optimizer)

Don't know what the fields Model mode and CachingOptimizer state mean? Read the Backends section.

What is the difference?

For most models, there is no difference between passing the optimizer to Model, and calling set_optimizer.

However, if an optimizer does not support a constraint in the model, the timing of when an error will be thrown can differ:

  • If you pass an optimizer, an error will be thrown when you try to add the constraint.
  • If you call set_optimizer, an error will be thrown when you try to solve the model via optimize!.

Therefore, most users should pass an optimizer to Model because it provides the earliest warning that your solver is not suitable for the model you are trying to build. However, if you are modifying a problem by adding and deleting different constraint types, you may need to use set_optimizer. See Switching optimizer for the relaxed problem for an example of when this is useful.

Solvers which expect environments

Some solvers accept (or require) positional arguments such as a license environment or a path to a binary executable. For these solvers, you can pass a function to Model which takes zero arguments and returns an instance of the optimizer.

A common use-case for this is passing an environment or sub-solver to the optimizer:

julia> import HiGHS

julia> import MultiObjectiveAlgorithms as MOA

julia> model = Model(() -> MOA.Optimizer(HiGHS.Optimizer))
A JuMP Model
├ solver: MOA[algorithm=MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.Lexicographic, optimizer=HiGHS]
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

Solver options

JuMP uses "attribute" as a synonym for "option." Use optimizer_with_attributes to create an optimizer with some attributes initialized:

julia> model = Model(
           optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "output_flag" => false),
A JuMP Model
├ solver: HiGHS
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

Alternatively, use set_attribute to set an attribute after the model has been created:

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer);

julia> set_attribute(model, "output_flag", false)

julia> get_attribute(model, "output_flag")

You can also modify attributes within an optimizer_with_attributes object:

julia> solver = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "output_flag" => true);

julia> get_attribute(solver, "output_flag")

julia> set_attribute(solver, "output_flag", false)

julia> get_attribute(solver, "output_flag")

julia> model = Model(solver);

Changing the number types

By default, the coefficients of affine and quadratic expressions are numbers of type either Float64 or Complex{Float64} (see Complex number support).

The type Float64 can be changed using the GenericModel constructor:

julia> model = GenericModel{Rational{BigInt}}();

julia> @variable(model, x)

julia> @expression(model, expr, 1 // 3 * x)
1//3 x

julia> typeof(expr)
GenericAffExpr{Rational{BigInt}, GenericVariableRef{Rational{BigInt}}}

Using a value_type other than Float64 is an advanced operation and should be used only if the underlying solver actually solves the problem using the provided value type.


Nonlinear Modeling is currently restricted to the Float64 number type.

By default, show(model) will print a summary of the problem:

julia> model = Model(); @variable(model, x >= 0); @objective(model, Max, x);

julia> model
A JuMP Model
├ solver: none
├ objective_sense: MAX_SENSE
│ └ objective_function_type: VariableRef
├ num_variables: 1
├ num_constraints: 1
│ └ VariableRef in MOI.GreaterThan{Float64}: 1
└ Names registered in the model
  └ :x

Use print to print the formulation of the model (in IJulia, this will render as LaTeX.

julia> print(model)
Max x
Subject to
 x ≥ 0

This format is specific to JuMP and may change in any future release. It is not intended to be an instance format. To write the model to a file, use write_to_file instead.

Use latex_formulation to display the model in LaTeX form.

julia> latex_formulation(model)
$$ \begin{aligned}
\max\quad & x\\
\text{Subject to} \quad & x \geq 0\\
\end{aligned} $$

In IJulia (and Documenter), ending a cell in with latex_formulation will render the model in LaTeX:


\[ \begin{aligned} \max\quad & x\\ \text{Subject to} \quad & x \geq 0\\ \end{aligned} \]

Turn off output

Use set_silent and unset_silent to disable or enable printing output from the solver.

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer);

julia> set_silent(model)

julia> unset_silent(model)

Most solvers will also have a solver-specific option to provide finer-grained control over the output. Consult their README's for details.

Set a time limit

Use set_time_limit_sec, unset_time_limit_sec, and time_limit_sec to manage time limits.

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer);

julia> set_time_limit_sec(model, 60.0)

julia> time_limit_sec(model)

julia> unset_time_limit_sec(model)

julia> limit = time_limit_sec(model)

julia> limit === nothing

If your time limit is encoded as a Dates.Period object, use the following code to convert it to Float64 for set_time_limit_sec:

julia> import Dates

julia> seconds(x::Dates.Period) = 1e-3 * Dates.value(round(x, Dates.Millisecond))
seconds (generic function with 1 method)

julia> set_time_limit_sec(model, seconds(Dates.Hour(1)))

julia> time_limit_sec(model)

Some solvers do not support time limits. In these cases, an error will be thrown.

Write a model to file

JuMP can write models to a variety of file-formats using write_to_file and Base.write.

For most common file formats, the file type will be detected from the extension.

For example, here is how to write an MPS file:

julia> model = Model();

julia> write_to_file(model, "model.mps")

Other supported file formats include:

To write to a specific io::IO, use Base.write. Specify the file type by passing a MOI.FileFormats.FileFormat enum.

julia> model = Model();

julia> io = IOBuffer();

julia> write(io, model; format = MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_MPS)

Read a model from file

JuMP models can be created from file formats using read_from_file and

julia> model = read_from_file("model.mps")
A JuMP Model
├ solver: none
├ objective_sense: MIN_SENSE
│ └ objective_function_type: AffExpr
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

julia> seekstart(io);

julia> model2 = read(io, Model; format = MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_MPS)
A JuMP Model
├ solver: none
├ objective_sense: MIN_SENSE
│ └ objective_function_type: AffExpr
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

Because file formats do not serialize the containers of JuMP variables and constraints, the names in the model will not be registered. Therefore, you cannot access named variables and constraints via model[:x]. Instead, use variable_by_name or constraint_by_name to access specific variables or constraints.

Relax integrality

Use relax_integrality to remove any integrality constraints from the model, such as integer and binary restrictions on variables. relax_integrality returns a function that can be later called with zero arguments to re-add the removed constraints:

julia> model = Model();

julia> @variable(model, x, Int)

julia> num_constraints(model, VariableRef, MOI.Integer)

julia> undo = relax_integrality(model);

julia> num_constraints(model, VariableRef, MOI.Integer)

julia> undo()

julia> num_constraints(model, VariableRef, MOI.Integer)

Switching optimizer for the relaxed problem

A common reason for relaxing integrality is to compute dual variables of the relaxed problem. However, some mixed-integer linear solvers (for example, Cbc) do not return dual solutions, even if the problem does not have integrality restrictions.

Therefore, after relax_integrality you should call set_optimizer with a solver that does support dual solutions, such as Clp.

For example, instead of:

using JuMP, Cbc
model = Model(Cbc.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x, Int)
undo = relax_integrality(model)
reduced_cost(x)  # Errors


using JuMP, Cbc, Clp
model = Model(Cbc.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x, Int)
undo = relax_integrality(model)
set_optimizer(model, Clp.Optimizer)
reduced_cost(x)  # Works

Get the matrix representation

Use lp_matrix_data to return a data structure that represents the matrix form of a linear program.

julia> begin
           model = Model()
           @variable(model, x >= 1, Bin)
           @variable(model, 2 <= y)
           @variable(model, 3 <= z <= 4, Int)
           @constraint(model, x == 5)
           @constraint(model, 2x + 3y <= 6)
           @constraint(model, -4y >= 5z + 7)
           @constraint(model, -1 <= x + y <= 2)
           @objective(model, Max, 1 + 2x)

julia> data = lp_matrix_data(model);

julia> data.A
4×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 7 stored entries:
 1.0    ⋅     ⋅
  ⋅   -4.0  -5.0
 2.0   3.0    ⋅
 1.0   1.0    ⋅

julia> data.b_lower
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> data.b_upper
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> data.x_lower
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> data.x_upper
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> data.c
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> data.c_offset

julia> data.sense
MAX_SENSE::OptimizationSense = 1

julia> data.integers
1-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> data.binaries
1-element Vector{Int64}:

lp_matrix_data is intentionally limited in the types of problems that it supports and the structure of the matrices it outputs. It is mainly intended as a pedagogical and debugging tool. It should not be used to interface solvers, see Implementing a solver interface instead.



This section discusses advanced features of JuMP. For new users, you may want to skip this section. You don't need to know how JuMP manages problems behind the scenes to create and solve JuMP models.

A JuMP Model is a thin layer around a backend of type MOI.ModelLike that stores the optimization problem and acts as the optimization solver.

However, if you construct a model like Model(HiGHS.Optimizer), the backend is not a HiGHS.Optimizer, but a more complicated object.

From JuMP, the MOI backend can be accessed using the backend function. Let's see what the backend of a JuMP Model is:

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer);

julia> b = backend(model)
├ model_cache: MOIU.UniversalFallback{MOIU.Model{Float64}}
│ ├ ObjectiveSense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
│ ├ ObjectiveFunctionType: MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
│ ├ NumberOfVariables: 0
│ └ NumberOfConstraints: 0
└ optimizer: MOIB.LazyBridgeOptimizer{HiGHS.Optimizer}
  ├ Variable bridges: none
  ├ Constraint bridges: none
  ├ Objective bridges: none
  └ model: A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

Uh oh. Even though we passed a HiGHS.Optimizer, the backend is a much more complicated object.


A MOIU.CachingOptimizer is a layer that abstracts the difference between solvers that support incremental modification (for example, they support adding variables one-by-one), and solvers that require the entire problem in a single API call (for example, they only accept the A, b and c matrices of a linear program).

It has two parts:

  1. A cache, where the model can be built and modified incrementally
    julia> b.model_cache
    ├ ObjectiveSense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
    ├ ObjectiveFunctionType: MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
    ├ NumberOfVariables: 0
    └ NumberOfConstraints: 0
  2. An optimizer, which is used to solve the problem
    julia> b.optimizer
    ├ Variable bridges: none
    ├ Constraint bridges: none
    ├ Objective bridges: none
    └ model: A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

The LazyBridgeOptimizer section explains what a LazyBridgeOptimizer is.

The CachingOptimizer has logic to decide when to copy the problem from the cache to the optimizer, and when it can efficiently update the optimizer in-place.

A CachingOptimizer may be in one of three possible states:

  • NO_OPTIMIZER: The CachingOptimizer does not have any optimizer.
  • EMPTY_OPTIMIZER: The CachingOptimizer has an empty optimizer, and it is not synchronized with the cached model.
  • ATTACHED_OPTIMIZER: The CachingOptimizer has an optimizer, and it is synchronized with the cached model.

A CachingOptimizer has two modes of operation:

  • AUTOMATIC: The CachingOptimizer changes its state when necessary. For example, optimize! will automatically call attach_optimizer (an optimizer must have been previously set). Attempting to add a constraint or perform a modification not supported by the optimizer results in a drop to EMPTY_OPTIMIZER mode.
  • MANUAL: The user must change the state of the CachingOptimizer using MOIU.reset_optimizer(::JuMP.Model), MOIU.drop_optimizer(::JuMP.Model), and MOIU.attach_optimizer(::JuMP.Model). Attempting to perform an operation in the incorrect state results in an error.

By default Model will create a CachingOptimizer in AUTOMATIC mode.


The second layer that JuMP applies automatically is a MOI.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer. A MOI.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer is an MOI layer that attempts to transform the problem from the formulation provided by the user into an equivalent problem supported by the solver. This may involve adding new variables and constraints to the optimizer. The transformations are selected from a set of known recipes called bridges.

A common example of a bridge is one that splits an interval constraint like @constraint(model, 1 <= x + y <= 2) into two constraints, @constraint(model, x + y >= 1) and @constraint(model, x + y <= 2).

Use the add_bridges = false keyword to remove the bridging layer:

julia> model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer; add_bridges = false)
A JuMP Model
├ solver: HiGHS
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

julia> backend(model)
├ model_cache: MOIU.UniversalFallback{MOIU.Model{Float64}}
│ ├ ObjectiveSense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
│ ├ ObjectiveFunctionType: MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
│ ├ NumberOfVariables: 0
│ └ NumberOfConstraints: 0
└ optimizer: A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

Bridges can be added and removed from a MOI.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer using add_bridge and remove_bridge. Use print_active_bridges to see which bridges are used to reformulate the model. Read the Example: ellipsoid approximation tutorial for more details.

Unsafe backend

In some advanced use-cases, it is necessary to work with the inner optimization model directly. To access this model, use unsafe_backend:

julia> backend(model)
├ model_cache: MOIU.UniversalFallback{MOIU.Model{Float64}}
│ ├ ObjectiveSense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
│ ├ ObjectiveFunctionType: MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
│ ├ NumberOfVariables: 0
│ └ NumberOfConstraints: 0
└ optimizer: MOIB.LazyBridgeOptimizer{HiGHS.Optimizer}
  ├ Variable bridges: none
  ├ Constraint bridges: none
  ├ Objective bridges: none
  └ model: A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

julia> unsafe_backend(model)
A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

backend and unsafe_backend are advanced routines. Read their docstrings to understand the caveats of their usage, and only call them if you wish to access low-level solver-specific functions.

Direct mode

Using a CachingOptimizer results in an additional copy of the model being stored by JuMP in the .model_cache field. To avoid this overhead, create a JuMP model using direct_model:

julia> model = direct_model(HiGHS.Optimizer())
A JuMP Model
├ mode: DIRECT
├ solver: HiGHS
├ objective_sense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE
├ num_variables: 0
├ num_constraints: 0
└ Names registered in the model: none

Solvers that do not support incremental modification do not support direct_model. An error will be thrown, telling you to use a CachingOptimizer instead.

The benefit of using direct_model is that there are no extra layers (for example, Cachingoptimizer or LazyBridgeOptimizer) between model and the provided optimizer:

julia> backend(model)
A HiGHS model with 0 columns and 0 rows.

A downside of direct mode is that there is no bridging layer. Therefore, only constraints which are natively supported by the solver are supported. For example, HiGHS.jl does not implement quadratic constraints:

julia> model = direct_model(HiGHS.Optimizer());

julia> set_silent(model)

julia> @variable(model, x[1:2]);

julia> @constraint(model, x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 <= 2)
ERROR: Constraints of type MathOptInterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64}-in-MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64} are not supported by the solver.

If you expected the solver to support your problem, you may have an error in your formulation. Otherwise, consider using a different solver.

The list of available solvers, along with the problem types they support, is available at

Another downside of direct mode is that the behavior of querying solution information after modifying the problem is solver-specific. This can lead to errors, or the solver silently returning an incorrect value. See OptimizeNotCalled errors for more information.