Supported objectives & constraints - scheme 1
For QuadraticProgram
backend, the package supports following Function-in-Set
MOI Function | MOI Set |
VariableIndex | GreaterThan |
VariableIndex | LessThan |
VariableIndex | EqualTo |
ScalarAffineFunction | GreaterThan |
ScalarAffineFunction | LessThan |
ScalarAffineFunction | EqualTo |
and the following objective types:
MOI Function |
VariableIndex |
ScalarAffineFunction |
ScalarQuadraticFunction |
Supported objectives & constraints - ConicProgram
For the ConicProgram
backend, the package supports following Function-in-Set
MOI Function | MOI Set |
VectorOfVariables | Nonnegatives |
VectorOfVariables | Nonpositives |
VectorOfVariables | Zeros |
VectorOfVariables | SecondOrderCone |
VectorOfVariables | PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle |
VectorAffineFunction | Nonnegatives |
VectorAffineFunction | Nonpositives |
VectorAffineFunction | Zeros |
VectorAffineFunction | SecondOrderCone |
VectorAffineFunction | PositiveSemidefiniteConeTriangle |
and the following objective types:
MOI Function |
VariableIndex |
ScalarAffineFunction |
Other conic sets such as RotatedSecondOrderCone
and PositiveSemidefiniteConeSquare
are supported through bridges.
Supported objectives & constraints - NonlinearProgram
For the NonlinearProgram
backend, the package supports following Function-in-Set
MOI Function | MOI Set |
VariableIndex | GreaterThan |
VariableIndex | LessThan |
VariableIndex | EqualTo |
ScalarAffineFunction | GreaterThan |
ScalarAffineFunction | LessThan |
ScalarAffineFunction | EqualTo |
ScalarQuadraticFunction | GreaterThan |
ScalarQuadraticFunction | LessThan |
ScalarQuadraticFunction | EqualTo |
ScalarNonlinearFunction | GreaterThan |
ScalarNonlinearFunction | LessThan |
ScalarNonlinearFunction | EqualTo |
and the following objective types:
MOI Function |
VariableIndex |
ScalarAffineFunction |
ScalarQuadraticFunction |
ScalarNonlinearFunction |
Creating a differentiable MOI optimizer
You can create a differentiable optimizer over an existing MOI solver by using the diff_optimizer
— Functiondiff_optimizer(optimizer_constructor)
Creates a DiffOpt.Optimizer
, which is an MOI layer with an internal optimizer and other utility methods. Results (primal, dual and slack values) are obtained by querying the internal optimizer instantiated using the optimizer_constructor
. These values are required for find jacobians with respect to problem data.
One define a differentiable model by using any solver of choice. Example:
julia> import DiffOpt, HiGHS
julia> model = DiffOpt.diff_optimizer(HiGHS.Optimizer)
julia> set_attribute(model, DiffOpt.ModelConstructor, DiffOpt.QuadraticProgram.Model) # optional selection of diff method
julia> x = model.add_variable(model)
julia> model.add_constraint(model, ...)
Projections on cone sets
DiffOpt requires taking projections and finding projection gradients of vectors while computing the jacobians. For this purpose, we use MathOptSetDistances.jl, which is a dedicated package for computing set distances, projections and projection gradients.
Conic problem formulation
As of now, when defining a conic or convex quadratic problem, the package is using SCS
geometric form for affine expressions in cones.
Consider a convex conic optimization problem in its primal (P) and dual (D) forms:
\[\begin{split} \begin{array} {llcc} \textbf{Primal Problem} & & \textbf{Dual Problem} & \\ \mbox{minimize} & c^T x \quad \quad & \mbox{minimize} & b^T y \\ \mbox{subject to} & A x + s = b \quad \quad & \mbox{subject to} & A^T y + c = 0 \\ & s \in \mathcal{K} & & y \in \mathcal{K}^* \end{array} \end{split}\]
- $x \in R^n$ is the primal variable, $y \in R^m$ is the dual variable, and $s \in R^m$ is the primal slack
- $\mathcal{K} \subseteq R^m$ is a closed convex cone and $\mathcal{K}^* \subseteq R^m$ is the corresponding dual cone
- $A \in R^{m \times n}$, $b \in R^m$, $c \in R^n$ are problem data
In the light of above, DiffOpt differentiates program variables $x$, $s$, $y$ w.r.t pertubations/sensivities in problem data i.e. $dA$, $db$, $dc$. This is achieved via implicit differentiation and matrix differential calculus.
Note that the primal (P) and dual (D) are self-duals of each other. Similarly, for the constraints we support, $\mathcal{K}$ is same in format as $\mathcal{K}^*$.
Reference articles
- Differentiating Through a Cone Program - Akshay Agrawal, Shane Barratt, Stephen Boyd, Enzo Busseti, Walaa M. Moursi, 2019
- A fast and differentiable QP solver for PyTorch. Crafted by Brandon Amos and J. Zico Kolter.
- OptNet: Differentiable Optimization as a Layer in Neural Networks
Backward Pass vector
One possible point of confusion in finding Jacobians is the role of the backward pass vector - above eqn (7), OptNet: Differentiable Optimization as a Layer in Neural Networks. While differentiating convex programs, it is often the case that we don't want to find the actual derivatives, rather we might be interested in computing the product of Jacobians with a backward pass vector, often used in backpropagation in machine learning/automatic differentiation. This is what happens in DiffOpt