All of the examples can be found in Jupyter notebook form here.
Convex Optimization in Julia
Madeleine Udell | ISMP 2015
Convex.jl team
- Convex.jl: Madeleine Udell, Karanveer Mohan, David Zeng, Jenny Hong
- CVX: Michael Grant, Stephen Boyd
- CVXPY: Steven Diamond, Eric Chu, Stephen Boyd
- JuliaOpt: Miles Lubin, Iain Dunning, Joey Huchette
# initial package installation
# Make the Convex.jl module available
using Convex, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using SCS # first order splitting conic solver [O'Donoghue et al., 2014]
# Generate random problem data
m = 50; n = 100
A = randn(m, n)
x♮ = sprand(n, 1, .5) # true (sparse nonnegative) parameter vector
noise = .1*randn(m) # gaussian noise
b = A*x♮ + noise # noisy linear observations
# Create a (column vector) variable of size n.
x = Variable(n)
# nonnegative elastic net with regularization
λ = 1
μ = 1
problem = minimize(square(norm(A * x - b)) + λ*square(norm(x)) + μ*norm(x, 1),
x >= 0)
# Solve the problem by calling solve!
solve!(problem, () -> SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0))
println("problem status is ", problem.status) # :Optimal, :Infeasible, :Unbounded etc.
println("optimal value is ", problem.optval)
problem status is OPTIMAL
optimal value is 32.81676511626289
using Interact, Plots
# Interact.WebIO.install_jupyter_nbextension() # might be helpful if you see `WebIO` warnings in Jupyter
@manipulate throttle=.1 for λ=0:.1:5, μ=0:.1:5
global A
problem = minimize(square(norm(A * x - b)) + λ*square(norm(x)) + μ*norm(x, 1),
x >= 0)
solve!(problem, () -> SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0))
histogram(evaluate(x), xlims=(0,3.5), label="x")
Quick convex prototyping
# Scalar variable
x = Variable()
size: (1, 1)
sign: real
vexity: affine
id: 806…655
# (Column) vector variable
y = Variable(4)
size: (4, 1)
sign: real
vexity: affine
id: 661…933
# Matrix variable
Z = Variable(4, 4)
size: (4, 4)
sign: real
vexity: affine
id: 715…088
Convex.jl allows you to use a wide variety of functions on variables and on expressions to form new expressions.
x + 2x
+ (affine; real)
├─ real variable (id: 806…655)
└─ * (affine; real)
├─ 2
└─ real variable (id: 806…655)
e = y[1] + logdet(Z) + sqrt(x) + minimum(y)
+ (concave; real)
├─ index (affine; real)
│ └─ 4-element real variable (id: 661…933)
├─ logdet (concave; real)
│ └─ 4×4 real variable (id: 715…088)
├─ geomean (concave; positive)
│ ├─ real variable (id: 806…655)
│ └─ [1.0]
└─ minimum (concave; real)
└─ 4-element real variable (id: 661…933)
Examine the expression tree
logdet (concave; real)
└─ 4×4 real variable (id: 715…088)
A constraint is convex if convex combinations of feasible points are also feasible. Equivalently, feasible sets are convex sets.
In other words, convex constraints are of the form
convexExpr <= 0
concaveExpr >= 0
affineExpr == 0
x <= 0
<= constraint (affine)
├─ real variable (id: 806…655)
└─ 0
square(x) <= sum(y)
<= constraint (convex)
├─ qol_elem (convex; positive)
│ ├─ real variable (id: 806…655)
│ └─ [1.0]
└─ sum (affine; real)
└─ 4-element real variable (id: 661…933)
M = Z
for i = 1:length(y)
global M += rand(size(Z)...)*y[i]
M ⪰ 0
sdp constraint (affine)
└─ + (affine; real)
├─ 4×4 real variable (id: 715…088)
├─ * (affine; real)
│ ├─ 4×4 Array{Float64,2}
│ └─ index (affine; real)
│ └─ …
├─ * (affine; real)
│ ├─ 4×4 Array{Float64,2}
│ └─ index (affine; real)
│ └─ …
├─ * (affine; real)
│ ├─ 4×4 Array{Float64,2}
│ └─ index (affine; real)
│ └─ …
└─ * (affine; real)
├─ 4×4 Array{Float64,2}
└─ index (affine; real)
└─ …
x = Variable()
y = Variable(4)
objective = 2*x + 1 - sqrt(sum(y))
constraint = x >= maximum(y)
p = minimize(objective, constraint)
└─ + (convex; real)
├─ * (affine; real)
│ ├─ 2
│ └─ real variable (id: 100…590)
├─ 1
└─ - (convex; negative)
└─ geomean (concave; positive)
├─ …
└─ …
subject to
└─ >= constraint (convex)
├─ real variable (id: 100…590)
└─ maximum (convex; real)
└─ 4-element real variable (id: 153…790)
status: `solve!` not called yet
# solve the problem
solve!(p, () -> SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0))
OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 1
# can evaluate expressions directly
Pass to solver
call a MathProgBase
solver suited for your problem class
- see the list of Convex.jl operations to find which cones you're using
- see the list of solvers for an up-to-date list of solvers and which cones they support
to solve problem using a different solver, just import the solver package and pass the solver to the solve!
method: eg
using Mosek
solve!(p, Mosek.Optimizer)
# Generate random problem data
m = 50; n = 100
A = randn(m, n)
x♮ = sprand(n, 1, .5) # true (sparse nonnegative) parameter vector
noise = .1*randn(m) # gaussian noise
b = A*x♮ + noise # noisy linear observations
# Create a (column vector) variable of size n.
x = Variable(n)
# nonnegative elastic net with regularization
λ = 1
μ = 1
problem = minimize(square(norm(A * x - b)) + λ*square(norm(x)) + μ*norm(x, 1),
x >= 0)
@time solve!(problem, () -> SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0))
λ = 1.5
@time solve!(problem, () -> SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0), warmstart = true)
0.213972 seconds (13.18 k allocations: 3.374 MiB)
0.986449 seconds (1.60 M allocations: 83.633 MiB, 9.11% gc time)
DCP examples
# affine
x = Variable(4)
y = Variable(2)
sum(x) + y[2]
+ (affine; real)
├─ sum (affine; real)
│ └─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
└─ index (affine; real)
└─ 2-element real variable (id: 867…939)
2*maximum(x) + 4*sum(y) - sqrt(y[1] + x[1]) - 7 * minimum(x[2:4])
+ (convex; real)
├─ * (convex; real)
│ ├─ 2
│ └─ maximum (convex; real)
│ └─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
├─ * (affine; real)
│ ├─ 4
│ └─ sum (affine; real)
│ └─ 2-element real variable (id: 867…939)
├─ - (convex; negative)
│ └─ geomean (concave; positive)
│ ├─ + (affine; real)
│ │ ├─ …
│ │ └─ …
│ └─ [1.0]
└─ - (convex; real)
└─ * (concave; real)
├─ 7
└─ minimum (concave; real)
└─ …
# not dcp compliant
log(x) + square(x)
+ (Convex.NotDcp; real)
├─ log (concave; real)
│ └─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
└─ qol_elem (convex; positive)
├─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
└─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
# $f$ is convex increasing and $g$ is convex
qol_elem (convex; positive)
├─ max (convex; positive)
│ ├─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
│ └─ 0
└─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
# $f$ is convex decreasing and $g$ is concave
qol_elem (convex; positive)
├─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
└─ geomean (concave; positive)
├─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
└─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
# $f$ is concave increasing and $g$ is concave
geomean (concave; positive)
├─ geomean (concave; positive)
│ ├─ 4-element real variable (id: 204…209)
│ └─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
└─ 4×1 Array{Float64,2}
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