POVM simulation
This notebook shows how we can check how much depolarizing noise a qubit positive operator-valued measure (POVM) can take before it becomes simulable by projective measurements. The general method is described in arXiv:1609.06139. The question of simulability by projective measurements boils down to an SDP problem. Eq. (8) from the paper defines the noisy POVM that we obtain subjecting a POVM $\mathbf{M}$ to a depolarizing channel $\Phi_t$:
\[\left[\Phi_t\left(\mathbf{M}\right)\right]_i := t M_i + (1-t)\frac{\mathrm{tr}(M_i)}{d} \mathbb{1}.\]
If this visibility $t\in[0,1]$ is one, the POVM $\mathbf{M}$ is simulable.
We will use Convex.jl to solve the SDP problem.
using Convex, SCS, LinearAlgebra
For the qubit case, a four outcome qubit POVM $\mathbf{M} \in\mathcal{P}(2,4)$ is simulable if and only if
where Hermitian operators $N_{ij}^{\pm}$ satisfy $N_{ij}^{\pm}\geq0$ and $N_{ij}^{+}+N_{ij}^{-}=p_{ij}\mathbb{1}$, where $i<j$ , $i,j=1,2,3,4$ and $p_{ij}\geq0$ as well as $\sum_{i<j}p_{ij}=1$, that is, the $p_{ij}$ values form a probability vector. This forms an SDP feasibility problem, which we can rephrase as an optimization problem by adding depolarizing noise to the left-hand side of the above equations and maximizing the visibility $t$:
\[\max_{t\in[0,1]} t\]
such that
We organize these constraints in a function that takes a four-output qubit POVM as its argument:
function get_visibility(K)
noise = real([tr(K[i]) * I(2) / 2 for i in 1:size(K, 1)])
P = [[ComplexVariable(2, 2) for i in 1:2] for j in 1:6]
q = Variable(6, Positive())
t = Variable(1, Positive())
constraints = Constraint[isposdef(P[i][j]) for i in 1:6 for j in 1:2]
push!(constraints, sum(q) == 1)
push!(constraints, t <= 1)
append!(constraints, [P[i][1] + P[i][2] == q[i] * I(2) for i in 1:6])
t * K[1] + (1 - t) * noise[1] == P[1][1] + P[2][1] + P[3][1],
t * K[2] + (1 - t) * noise[2] == P[1][2] + P[4][1] + P[5][1],
t * K[3] + (1 - t) * noise[3] == P[2][2] + P[4][2] + P[6][1],
t * K[4] + (1 - t) * noise[4] == P[3][2] + P[5][2] + P[6][2],
p = maximize(t, constraints)
return solve!(p, SCS.Optimizer; silent = true)
get_visibility (generic function with 1 method)
We check this function using the tetrahedron measurement (see Appendix B in arXiv:quant-ph/0702021). This measurement is non-simulable, so we expect a value below one.
function dp(v)
return I(2) + v[1] * [0 1; 1 0] + v[2] * [0 -im; im 0] + v[3] * [1 0; 0 -1]
b = [
1 1 1
-1 -1 1
-1 1 -1
1 -1 -1
] / sqrt(3)
M = [dp(b[i, :]) for i in 1:size(b, 1)] / 4;
p = get_visibility(M)
Problem statistics
problem is DCP : true
number of variables : 14 (103 scalar elements)
number of constraints : 24 (274 scalar elements)
number of coefficients : 78
number of atoms : 151
Solution summary
termination status : OPTIMAL
primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT
dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT
objective value : 0.8165
Expression graph
└─ positive variable (id: 702…747)
subject to
├─ PSD constraint (convex)
│ └─ vcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ hcat (affine; real)
│ │ ├─ …
│ │ └─ …
│ └─ hcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ …
│ └─ …
├─ PSD constraint (convex)
│ └─ vcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ hcat (affine; real)
│ │ ├─ …
│ │ └─ …
│ └─ hcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ …
│ └─ …
├─ PSD constraint (convex)
│ └─ vcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ hcat (affine; real)
│ │ ├─ …
│ │ └─ …
│ └─ hcat (affine; real)
│ ├─ …
│ └─ …
This value matches the one we obtained using PICOS.
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