Problem Depot
Convex.jl has a submodule, ProblemDepot
which holds a collection of convex optimization problems. The problems are used by Convex itself to test and benchmark its code, but can also be used by solvers to test and benchmark their code. These tests have been used with many solvers at ConvexTests.jl.
ProblemDepot has two main methods for accessing these problems: Convex.ProblemDepot.run_tests
and Convex.ProblemDepot.benchmark_suite
For example, to test the solver SCS on all the problems of the depot except the mixed-integer problems (which it cannot handle), run
using Convex, SCS, Test
const MOI = Convex.MOI
@testset "SCS" begin
Convex.ProblemDepot.run_tests(; exclude=[r"mip"]) do p
solve!(p, MOI.OptimizerWithAttributes(SCS.Optimizer, "verbose" => 0, "eps_abs" => 1e-6))
How to write a ProblemDepot problem
The problems are organized into folders in src/problem_depot/problems
. Each is written as a function, annotated by @add_problem
, and a name, which is used to group the problems. For example, here is a simple problem:
@add_problem affine function affine_negate_atom(handle_problem!, ::Val{test}, atol, rtol, ::Type{T}) where {T, test}
x = Variable()
p = minimize(-x, [x <= 0])
if test
@test vexity(p) == AffineVexity()
if test
@test p.optval ≈ 0 atol=atol rtol=rtol
@test evaluate(-x) ≈ 0 atol=atol rtol=rtol
The @add_problem
call adds the problem to the registry of problems in Convex.ProblemDepot.PROBLEMS
, which in turn is used by Convex.ProblemDepot.run_tests
and Convex.ProblemDepot.benchmark_suite
. Next, affine
is the grouping of the problem; this problem came from one of the affine tests, and in particular is testing the negation atom. Next is the function signature:
function affine_negate_atom(handle_problem!, ::Val{test}, atol, rtol, ::Type{T}) where {T, test}
this should be the same for every problem, except for the name, which is a description of the problem. It should include what kind of atoms it uses (affine
in this case), so that certain kinds of atoms can be ruled out by the exclude
keyword to Convex.ProblemDepot.run_tests
and Convex.ProblemDepot.benchmark_suite
; for example, many solvers cannot solve mixed-integer problems, so mip
is included in the name of such problems.
Then begins the body of the problem. It is setup like any other Convex.jl problem, only handle_problem!
is called instead of solve!
. This allows particular solvers to be used (via for example, choosing handle_problem! = p -> solve!(p, solver)
), or for any other function of the problem. Tests should be included and gated behind if test
blocks, so that tests can be skipped for benchmarking, or in the case that the problem is not in fact solved during handle_problem!
The fact that the problems may not be solved during handle_problem!
brings with it a small complication: any command that assumes the problem has been solved should be behind an if test
check. For example, in some of the problems, real(evaluate(x))
is used, for a variable x
; perhaps as
x_re = real(evaluate(x))
if test
@test x_re = ...
However, if the problem x
is used in has not been solved, then evaluate(x) === nothing
, and real(nothing)
throws an error. So instead, this should be rewritten as
if test
x_re = real(evaluate(x))
@test x_re = ...
Benchmark-only problems
To add problems for benchmarking without tests, place problems in src/problem_depot/problems/benchmark
, and include benchmark
in the name. These problems will be automatically skipped during run_tests
calls. For example, to benchmark the time it takes to add an SDP constraint, we have the problem
@add_problem constraints_benchmark function sdp_constraint(handle_problem!, args...)
p = satisfy()
x = Variable(44, 44) # 990 vectorized entries
push!(p.constraints, x ⪰ 0)
However, this "problem" has no tests or interesting content for testing, so we skip it during testing. Note, we use args...
in the function signature so that it may be called with the standard function signature
f(handle_problem!, ::Val{test}, atol, rtol, ::Type{T}) where {T, test}