Rolling horizon problems

This tutorial was generated using Literate.jl. Download the source as a .jl file.

This tutorial was originally contributed by Diego Tejada.

The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to use ParametricOptInterface.jl to solve a rolling horizon optimization problem.

The term "rolling horizon" refers to solving a time-dependent model repeatedly, where the planning interval is shifted forward in time during each solution step.

As a motivating example, this tutorial models the operations of a power system with solar generation and a battery.

Required packages

This tutorial uses the following packages

using JuMP
import CSV
import DataFrames
import HiGHS
import ParametricOptInterface as POI
import Plots

The optimization model

The model is a simplified model of a power system's operations with battery storage.

We model the system of a set of time-steps $t \in 1,\ldots,T$, where each time step is a period of one hour.

There are five types of decision variables in the model:

  • Renewable production: $r_t \geq 0$
  • Thermal production: $0 \leq p_t \leq \overline{P}$
  • Storage level: $0 \leq s_t \leq \overline{S}$
  • Storage charging: $0 \leq c_t \leq \overline{C}$
  • Storage discharging: $0 \leq d_t \leq \overline{D}$

For the purpose of this tutorial, there are three parameters of interest:

  • Demand at time $t$: $D_t$
  • Renewable availability at time $t$: $A_t$
  • Initial storage: $S_0$

The objective function to minimize is the total cost of thermal generation:

\[\min \sum_{t} O \cdot p_t\]

For the constraints, we must balance power generation and consumption in all time periods:

\[p_t + r_t + d_t = D_t + c_t, \forall t\]

We need to account for the dynamics of the battery storage:

\[s_t = s_{t-1} + \eta^c \cdot c_t - \frac{d_t}{\eta^d}, \forall t\]

with the boundary condition that $s_0 = S_0$.

Finally, the level of renewable energy production is limited by the quantity of potential solar generation $A$:

\[r_t \leq A_t, \quad \forall t\]

Solving this problem with a large number of time steps is computationally challenging. A common practice is to use the rolling horizon idea to solve multiple identical problems of a smaller size. These problems differ only in parameters such as demand, renewable availability, and initial storage. By combining the solution of many smaller problems, we can recover a feasible solution to the full problem. However, because we don't optimize the full set of decisions in a single optimization problem, the recovered solution might be suboptimal.

Parameter definition and input data

There are two main parameters for a rolling horizon implementation: the optimization window and the move forward.

Optimization Window: this value defines how many periods (for example, hours) we will optimize each time. For this example, we set the default value to 48 hours, meaning we will optimize two days each time.

optimization_window = 48;

Move Forward: this value defines how many periods (for example, hours) we will move forward to optimize the next optimization window. For this example, we set the default value in 24 hours, meaning we will move one day ahead each time.

move_forward = 24;

Note that the move forward parameter must be lower or equal to the optimization window parameter to work correctly.

@assert optimization_window >= move_forward

Let's explore the input data in file rolling_horizon.csv. We have a total time horizon of a week (that is, 168 hours), an electricity demand, and a solar production profile.

filename = joinpath(@__DIR__, "rolling_horizon.csv")
time_series =, DataFrames.DataFrame)
time_series[1:21:end, :]
8×4 DataFrame

We define the solar investment (for example, 150 MW) to determine the solar production during the operation optimization step.

solar_investment = 150;

We multiply the level of solar investment by the time series of availability to get actual MW generated.

time_series.solar_MW = solar_investment * time_series.solar_pu;

In addition, we can determine some basic information about the rolling horizon, such as the number of data points we have:

total_time_length = size(time_series, 1)

and the number of windows that we are going to optimize given the problem's time horizon:

(total_time_length + move_forward - optimization_window) / move_forward

Finally, we can see a plot representing the first two optimization windows and the move forward parameter to have a better idea of how the rolling horizon works.

x_series = 1:total_time_length
y_series = [time_series.demand_MW, time_series.solar_MW]
plot_1 = Plots.plot(x_series, y_series; label = ["demand" "solar"])
plot_2 = Plots.plot(x_series, y_series; label = false)
window = [0, optimization_window]
Plots.vspan!(plot_1, window; alpha = 0.25, label = false)
Plots.vspan!(plot_2, move_forward .+ window; alpha = 0.25, label = false)
text_1 = Plots.text("optimization\n  window 1", :top, :left, 8)
Plots.annotate!(plot_1, 18, time_series.solar_MW[12], text_1)
text_2 = Plots.text("optimization\n  window 2", :top, :left, 8)
Plots.annotate!(plot_2, 42, time_series.solar_MW[12], text_2)
    layout = (2, 1),
    linewidth = 3,
    xticks = 0:12:total_time_length,
    xlabel = "Hours",
    ylabel = "MW",
Example block output

JuMP model

We have all the information we need to create a JuMP model to solve a single window of our rolling horizon problem.

As the optimizer, we use POI.Optimizer, which is part of ParametricOptInterface.jl. POI.Optimizer converts the Parameter decision variables into constants in the underlying optimization model, and it efficiently updates the solver in-place when we call set_parameter_value which avoids having to rebuild the problem each time we call optimize!.

model = Model(() -> POI.Optimizer(HiGHS.Optimizer()))
@variables(model, begin
    0 <= r[1:optimization_window]
    0 <= p[1:optimization_window] <= 150
    0 <= s[1:optimization_window] <= 40
    0 <= c[1:optimization_window] <= 10
    0 <= d[1:optimization_window] <= 10
    # Initialize empty parameters. These values will get updated later
    D[t in 1:optimization_window] in Parameter(0)
    A[t in 1:optimization_window] in Parameter(0)
    S_0 in Parameter(0)
@objective(model, Min, 50 * sum(p))
        p .+ r .+ d .== D .+ c
        s[1] == S_0 + 0.9 * c[1] - d[1] / 0.9
        [t in 2:optimization_window], s[t] == s[t-1] + 0.9 * c[t] - d[t] / 0.9
        r .<= A
A JuMP Model
├ solver: Parametric Optimizer with HiGHS attached
├ objective_sense: MIN_SENSE
│ └ objective_function_type: AffExpr
├ num_variables: 337
├ num_constraints: 673
│ ├ AffExpr in MOI.EqualTo{Float64}: 96
│ ├ AffExpr in MOI.LessThan{Float64}: 48
│ ├ VariableRef in MOI.GreaterThan{Float64}: 240
│ ├ VariableRef in MOI.LessThan{Float64}: 192
│ └ VariableRef in MOI.Parameter{Float64}: 97
└ Names registered in the model
  └ :A, :D, :S_0, :c, :d, :p, :r, :s

After the optimization, we can store the results in vectors. It's important to note that despite optimizing for 48 hours (the default value), we only store the values for the "move forward" parameter (for example, 24 hours or one day using the default value). This approach ensures that there is a buffer of additional periods or hours beyond the "move forward" parameter to prevent the storage from depleting entirely at the end of the specified hours.

sol_complete = Dict(
    :r => zeros(total_time_length),
    :p => zeros(total_time_length),
    :c => zeros(total_time_length),
    :d => zeros(total_time_length),
    # The storage level is initialized with an initial value
    :s => zeros(total_time_length + 1),
sol_windows = Pair{Int,Dict{Symbol,Vector{Float64}}}[]
Pair{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Vector{Float64}}}[]

Now we can iterate across the windows of our rolling horizon problem, and at each window, we:

  1. update the parameters in the models
  2. solve the model for that window
  3. store the results for later analysis
offsets = 0:move_forward:total_time_length-optimization_window
for offset in offsets
    # Step 1: update the parameter values over the optimization_window
    for t in 1:optimization_window
        set_parameter_value(model[:D][t], time_series[offset+t, :demand_MW])
        set_parameter_value(model[:A][t], time_series[offset+t, :solar_MW])
    # Set the starting storage level as the value from the end of the previous
    # solve. The `+1` accounts for the initial storage value in time step "t=0"
    set_parameter_value(model[:S_0], sol_complete[:s][offset+1])
    # Step 2: solve the model
    # Step 3: store the results of the move_forward values, except in the last
    #         horizon where we store the full `optimization_window`.
    for t in 1:(offset == last(offsets) ? optimization_window : move_forward)
        for key in (:r, :p, :c, :d)
            sol_complete[key][offset+t] = value(model[key][t])
        sol_complete[:s][offset+t+1] = value(model[:s][t])
    sol_window = Dict(key => value.(model[key]) for key in (:r, :p, :s, :c, :d))
    push!(sol_windows, offset => sol_window)


Here is a function to plot the solution at each of the time-steps to help visualize the rolling horizon scheme:

function plot_solution(sol; offset = 0, kwargs...)
    plot = Plots.plot(;
        ylabel = "MW",
        xlims = (0, total_time_length),
        xticks = 0:12:total_time_length,
    y = hcat(sol[:p], sol[:r], sol[:d])
    x = offset .+ (1:size(y, 1))
    if offset == 0
        Plots.areaplot!(x, y; label = ["thermal" "solar" "discharge"])
        Plots.areaplot!(x, -sol[:c]; label = "charge")
        Plots.areaplot!(x, y; label = false)
        Plots.areaplot!(x, -sol[:c]; label = false)
    return plot

    [plot_solution(sol; offset) for (offset, sol) in sol_windows]...;
    layout = (length(sol_windows), 1),
    size = (600, 800),
    margin =,
Example block output

We can re-use the function to plot the recovered solution of the full problem:

plot_solution(sol_complete; offset = 0, xlabel = "Hour")
Example block output

Final remark

ParametricOptInterface.jl offers an easy way to update the parameters of an optimization problem that will be solved several times, as in the rolling horizon implementation. It has the benefit of avoiding rebuilding the model each time we want to solve it with new information in a new window.